Thursday, October 31, 2019
Critique of La Haine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Critique of La Haine - Essay Example The essay "Critique of La Haine" discusses The La Haine which depicts a classical French film. French filmmaker, Mathieu Kassovitz directed the film that manifests alienation racism and violence in French suburbs. The director shows how unemployment and discrimination fuel violent anger among French youths.The film shows that the ugly housing estate in Paris does not affect do not affect the youth. Mathieu Kassovitz shot the film in black and white to profess racial strife and disaffected youth in France. Indeed, the film focuses on the common challenges experienced by mixed-race groups against bad cops and bourgeois community. For example, the film depicts three angry unemployed youths experiencing albeit with anger their friend suffering from police brutality. This is the best film associated with the hip hop generation of the French suburbs. Apparently, French youths use French rap to resist discrimination, alienation, and oppression based on race and class. Although the film pene trated the global audience it also portrayed the adverse effects of adopting the popular American culture in France as seen in the case of police brutality. The film focuses on issues of class and not of the race where it seemingly ignores racism. For example, the film the protagonists argue that the minority and the poor cannot get weapons to protect themselves yet the wealthy and powerful can easily access guns for protection. The La Haine shows the differences between the French hip hop and American hip hop culture.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The sustainable environment vs. the current growth of our human Essay
The sustainable environment vs. the current growth of our human popoulation - Essay Example Surely, there must be a limit to the amount of development and destruction of the natural resources that this planet can actually sustain before catastrophic events begin to happen. Sustainability entails the capacity for a people and an environment to endure the test of time. As there is still much we do not know about our current surroundings, there is a cause for concern as the population around us continues to mushroom. If there is no regard for the land among us, and there are no plans put into place for increased sustainability moving forward, the earth, as we know it today, could be severely altered in eras to come. With this reality in mind, it is important now to consider whether or not our environment can be sustainable in light of an increased population, and what needs to be to protect future evolutionary eras of mankind who will follow us. That is the focus of this paper. In ecological terms, sustainability refers to the unique nature that the earth’s environment has to remain diverse and productive over time (Yazdi and Shakouri 468). It is this diversity that has, to this point, allowed civilizations to flourish since the beginning of time, having access to sustainable resources that have enabled continued growth. Biologist’s wonder, however, if this ecological phenomenon that allows the biosphere to continue in its productive state can continue indefinitely in the face of continued growth and abuse. Wetlands and forests that represent the best of what a sustainable biological system entails have long dominated the earth, during the modern era. Many people believe that the wetlands continue to be healthy and productive, while forests provide much needed stability to the environment. Time will tell, of course, if these thoughts are correct, or whether we are truly destroying the sustainability of our planet. Throughout history, humans have talked about showing a respect for nature that has transcended time, yet this does not always eq uate into action. With continued population growth, however, this respect and admiration for the forests, wetlands, and other aspects of our sustainable environment has gradually decreased over time. Sustainability is vitally important to humans, however, in order to contribute to the long-term well being and ability to thrive in the midst of global change. Factors that impact this ability to sustain the productiveness of the earth for the long term include certain ecological, political, and cultural components. In essence, the needs of humans to grow and prosper on this earth must be balance with certain environmental values that cannot be compromised. Humans cannot fight the ecology of the world in the long-run and expect to win. The need for social equality and economic expansion must be balanced with the need to create a sustainable environment that will continue to support human expansion. It has long been known that a healthy ecosystem is necessary to not only the continued su rvival of living organism (humans included), but also to their ability to flourish as well (Omer 2268). In order to accomplish this feat, methods must be established in an effort to reduce any negative impact that humans have on the environment around them. In order for the earth to remain sustainable and stable, humans must allow it to
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Esl Website Evaluation English Language Essay
The Esl Website Evaluation English Language Essay The ESL website address that I am evaluating is This website is attempted to teach English Language and to help learner learn English as a Second Language (ESL). It is an approach to language teaching and learning and computer technology is used as a study aid. This ESL website is known as the Computer-assisted language learning (CALL). In the recent years, we could perceive the development of computer technology thus CALL is widely used as the supplemental instruction method to the teachers and the students. CALL supplements teachers and learners with the comprehensive exercises and those exercises are as stimulation to the teaching and learning process. It contains activities for ESL Students such are quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles. As I browsed to the home page it listed the specific area that learner needs to work on. For examples, the grammar quizzes, vocabulary quizzes and crossword puzzles. In the main topic contains the level of instruction such as e asy, medium and difficult. In regards to learning the content, the application user shall determine which types of quizzes he or she interested to learn, for example if the learner likes to work on grammar, he or she will click at the grammar quizzes activities and choose the activities depends on the learner level of proficiency either you are in the beginner, intermediate or advanced level. The ESL website provides the users with varieties types of exercises such as multiple choice questions, close passage, fill in the blank and many more. In order to operate the computer, users should have the basic knowledge of terms related to a computer. How to operate a computer; switch on, using the keyboards and know how the functions of the keyboard. Users have to be familiar with the software in which using in the computer, for example Microsoft office. By getting an access to the website, the users should know how to connect to the internet and what sort of gadget used for connectivity. The users need to know how to browse to the internet explorer and search for the ESL website. For example, and other website which is available and appropriate for learning English as a second language. I, sometimes did access with the ESL website but different from However, the concept is laying the same objectives. Bear in mind, that learners have obtained the multisensory in learning therefore this application is able to evoke learners attention by stimulating their multisensory perceptions. No doubt, I would say that similarity concept for application for teaching and learning ESL is accumulating comprehension to English language and they are using style of drilling in their exercises. In addition, the exercises created in this website are more comprehensive compared to our textbooks that are used in schools. The exercises that have been created in the program are designed as in the form of parts of speech. Parts of speech are the basic types of words of English grammar. It has eight categories and the words in the eight categories are used to form patterns of English grammar and syntax. I have come across the Classical Method in teaching the language. The method is use in the application to be understood as the theoretical finding and positions and it is thought of as theories in practice. As mentioned by Brown (2000), Classical Method is focused on grammatical rules, memorization of vocabulary and of various declensions and conjugations, translation of texts, doing written exercise (Pg 15). For example, the grammar quizzes exercises in this application are letting learner apply their basic knowledge in grammatical rules; to apply appropriate tenses to the answers. Learner is not being taught for fluency but more emphasize on accuracy. Furthermore, Krashens theory of the language acquisi tion hypothesis focused on two fundamental theories of how individuals learn languages. According to Krashen, the acquiring of language divided into two systems that are independent but related. It is called the acquired systems and the learned system. Krashen privileges the acquired system when speakers are less concerned with the structure of grammatical rules and speak naturally. Contrary to the learned system, when learners engage in formal instruction likes studying the rules of syntax. Therefore, this website is precisely concentrates on the rules of learning the English language or so called emphasizing on the accuracy. Learners are taught by drilling and practicing from the activities. This website is seen as practical activity to English learners as it is easy access, varieties of activities and exercises and contain of listening, writing and reading skills. The overall principle of constructivist theory of learning is defined as an active process by accepting learner autonomy and focuses on learners. Learners need to be motivated in their learning process hence to variety their learning is by teaching different activities in classroom. Learner autonomy is the learner responsibility for his owns learning by having curiosity, initiative and persistent especially in using technology. In the constructivist theory, teacher is the facilitator and guidance for counseling and show direction. Hence, software is as alternative tool to reach learning goals besides the traditional way of learning English using textbook. This website encourages learners to explore what is internet access and the ESL website plays it part as simulation and modeling to learners learning process . As a result, learners are not bound to the same activities in the classroom such as learning is only based on the textbooks. I am not denying of the vital use of the technology in learning process. However, I am concerning more on the proper guidance by the teacher if it to be used in schools. Teachers have to take into account on students attention span. What if say they are bored with the application. I suggested the ESL website is used once a week to test the students understanding in a usual lesson in the classroom. Alternatively, students have the freedom to browse the ESL website when they are at home as drilling and practice. Teachers are still needed to clarify items that are not understandable. Also, teachers are needed to the situation of encouraging the authentic conversation as sometimes software application is rigid. The users do receive the answer instantly but in the form of explanation rarely not provided. This ESL website is useful to me as for now and the future work. I have no problem in operating the software and other application. Second, I like the external links in the website: it provided learners with numerous topics of an audio listening and speaking exercises. Third, this website is applicable and appropriate to all levels of proficiency that both school learners and adult learners can use these activities. This ESL website covered almost everything in English learning and teaching process. However, in the main topic grammar easy quizzes, there is no box to tick or click the answer that we want to answer but it supplied learners with answer straight away. Therefore, learners might peep to the answer immediately without an effort to solve it first. Hence, I suggested that all questions should supply with boxes for the users to tick their answers, and after finished answering than they can check for the correct answers. As for the sub topic error correction, the activity is to correct the mistake in the sentences given. However, if the users give the wrong answer it does not explain why the users did wrong in terms of grammar usage. It is recommended to supply the users with grammar explanation if users get the wrong answer so at least users are aware of the mistakes and understand the correct grammar rules to form the sentences.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Fitting In in the book I Want to Be Miss America Essay examples -- Jul
In â€Å"I Want to Be Miss America,†Julia Alvarez examines her adolescent struggle to be â€Å"American.†For Alvarez, her Hispanic culture becomes a burden to her inclusion in American society. So, Alvarez and her sisters, struggle to become what they are not, Americans. Alvarez uses a somewhat biased stereotype to identify the model of an ideal American, but she does make clear. The struggle of all American teenagers to fit into or molded by a standard which for many of them is impossible to achieve. Relating to Alvarez and her struggle is very easy and well known in every generation. Society puts a ridiculous high standard on outer appearances, especially for girls and women. Women grasp the perspective of the standards that are set and put them into drive. Women become stressed, emotional, and nutcases because they want to please others instead of pleasing themselves. In some cases, women have died trying to live up to these customaries, if not becoming dangerously ill. As a young lady, knowing what could happen, frightens but doesn’t phase me. Wi...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Brazilian Racial Politics Essay
The reading provided, extracted from Orpheus and Power by Michael George Hanchard, critiques the Race vs. Class Paradigm that is widespread in the Brazilian society. By weaving together some works of the more renowned analysts and sociologists of the topic, he highlights two main things: firstly, the salient points of their claims and secondly, the faults in their arguments. By comparing and contrasting two schools of thought on the issue, Class-based and Structuralist, he points out certain weaknesses and the glaring irreconcilability of such thought when applied to the trends in Brazilian economic society. The subject of Race and Class and their contributions into creating a society wherein oppression has been structured into policy has fueled many debates, much of them still ongoing. While there has not been any theoretical consensus reached, a characteristic that is always attendant in the field of academia, there is however, a fortunate by-product in that it has broadened the body of current knowledge to embrace other topics into the discussion such as modes of production and social inequality. It is also interesting to note that the post-World War II era, as represented by the works of Oliver Cox and Stanley Greenberg, show the minimum agreement between scholars that race, at the very least, plays cuts an integral figure in structuring the oppressive social inequality. This makes for a broader, richer and more interesting scholarly debate. Hanchard begins the comparison with a discussion on Economic Determinism and the study of the Negro population in Brazilian society through the written work of one Florestan Fernandes, Democracia Racial. Fernandes describes the relationship between the â€Å"White elites†and the â€Å"Negroes†in Brazilian society as a situation where the former â€Å"limit themselves to treating the Negro with tolerance, maintaining the old ceremonial politeness in inter-racial relationships and excluding from this tolerance any true egalitarian feeling or content. †(Hanchard 32) By articulating the â€Å"hegemonic position†of the White population over the Black one, he more than hinted at the absence of racial democracy in Brazilian society. Fernandes’ analyzed the racial interaction of the society a pivotal time in economic Brazilian history. The importance of his written work may largely be attributed the perfect timing of it. His deconstructions and analysis of Brazilian society then, through interviews and the gathering of empirical data, did much to further the study of Brazilian racial relations. Moreover, his role and significant importance to the field is further underscored by the fact that he was the first to analyze the linkage between race and class in the context of Brazilian socio-economic development. He claimed that the Brazilian Blacks were â€Å"exploited both during and after slavery by uncaring whites†. However, in a turn-about, he concludes that the Afro-Brazilian is â€Å"dysfunctional, suffering from anomie, hopelessness and immorality†and lacked a sense of discipline and responsibility that made them pale in comparison to Italian immigrants for competition in the labour markets. Hanchard, however, took issue with this particular conclusion and rebutted by emphasing the failure of Fernandes’ missed or misappreciated the important fact that the intervention of big landowners and government officials played a crucial role in creating a marketplace that preferred Southern European immigrants. In essence, Fernandes’ approach fails is that his discussion of the Negro social movement was confined to issues of racial inequality where race itself was autonomous and not an economic variable nor indicator. George Reid Andrews, by using an approach offered by Greenberg, refutes Fernandes’ claims and forwards his own. Andrews’ approach fares better than the previously discussed one of Fernandes’ to the extent that he explored the â€Å"collusion between the state government and landowners to foster economic development†by subsidizing European immigration creating a rocky playing field where the Blacks were the destined losers. He then claims that although slavery played the role of a detrimental catalyst in Brazilian socio-economic development, it is but one of many factors to the displacement of Afro-Brazilian workers. He considered state intervention more critical in that policy itself structured the economic oppression by the doling out of development funds in a very preferential treatment to European immigrant workers. Thus, he introduced a very important aspect into the debates; that of the material dimension of race and how it structures state policies. At this junction, the theoretical wars began to include a different perspective: Structuralist. As the third generation of race relations, this school of thought rebuts and debunks the racial democracy myth proposed by their predecessors. Carlos Hasenblag and Nelson Do Valle Silva are two of the most prominent figures in this approach that does not treat race and class as being on opposing ends of the same spectrum but rather they situated racial inequality at the very heart of socio-economic relations and the development and trends of the labour market. Harchand, however, critically points out that although there was a discussion of racial inequality, there was virtually no explanation offered how such inequality id politically constructed or even contested. â€Å"Despite the conceptual differences between the Reductionists and Structuralists, the tendencies seemed to concur about one crucial dimension of Brazilian race relations; a dimension that seemed to distinguish Afro-Brazilians from their US counterparts: a lack of collective awareness of themselves as a subordinated racial group. †(Hanchard 41) By analyzing the theories at hand, one thing is clear: the need for a better-tailored conceptual framework to be used as a guide for racially equal policy making. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. In an effort to stop the mentality of finger-pointing to the dominant white, what has the different Afro-Brazilian social movements done, or at least attempted to bring about, in order to correct the racial inequality with regard to economic policy and labour markets? 2. What are some concrete state policies, like the Black Economic Empowerment Movement of South Africa, that can correct this historical injustice?
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Manual Website Constructor
The search box allows finding certain web-pages by determining the search domain (search In the language version set or In all the versions). Search box Search parameters 4. Main menu The main menu consists of five points: Web-pages. Use this point for editing and removing the web-pages of the affiliate website. Add Page. In this section you can create a new web-page, fill it with certain content in the easily understandable panel (the panel enables you to add links, handle the text, upload images etc. ). You can also include the following metabolism for a new web-page: title, keywords, description. Edit Menu.In this section the structure of the website menu can be altered. It serves to add/tilted/remove the menu points. Manage Templates. This section allows managing the website templates (the part of the website page comprising side and bottom menu as well as headings). Furthermore, here you can add/remove links to/ trot the side menu on boot sides trot the text and also change Copy right Design. With the help of this section you can choose any scheme elaborated by our team and change the font. 4. 1 Web-pages For a web-page to be reflected in a certain language, it is necessary to select the language. 4. 1.Remove web-page In order to delete a web-page, please press the button. 4. 1. 2 Edit Page 4. 1. 2. 1 Edit web-page content In order to move to a page editing mode, you need to click the corresponding button. Once you did it, you will see the window of web-page editing. Editing a page is facilitated by the editing tools. Remove the content Save Page layout templates Preview Crop Paste as plain text Copy Paste Paste from Word Print Full text search Undo Redo Insert Checkbook Insert Irradiation Insert text field Insert Select Insert Image Button Insert hidden field Replace text Remove format Mark all Insert formSpell check Insert Text area Insert button Page break Insert symbol Insert SMS e Bold Italics Underline Crossed font Subscript Superscript Billeted list Increase space Decrease space Quotation marks Centered Left-justified liquefied Insert link Insert image Insert flash Insert table Insert horizontal line Show blocks Scale editing window up/down Right-justified Remove link Insert anchor Text color Fill color Numbered list Text style Text format Diva container Font Font size 4. 1. 2. Edit metadata While editing a web-page, metadata (title, keywords, description) can be input. Press the Modify button to save the changes you made. 4. 2 Add Page This window contains the abovementioned panel of editing a page, the field for entering the file name and that for choosing its language version. 4. 3 Edit Menu In this section you need to choose a language version of the menu being edited. 4. 3. 1 Add new element 1) Choose the section tot the menu which you mean to ad ad link to 2) Choose the preferred level of the link. ) Enter the name of the link (not less than 3 symbols). 4) Enter the link (Latin letters only). 5) Press the Add button to in clude the new link to the menu. 4. 3. 2 Edit/remove element In order to delete a certain element, you need to press the Remove button. For editing a menu element after all the necessary modifications were made to the corresponding fields of the element (name and link) press the Change button. 4. 4 Manage Templates The menu of the section consists of three points: 4. 4. Add Link With the help of this section you can add a link in the left or right menu of the main website template. 4. 4. 2 Delete Link In order to remove a link from the main template you need to choose the template field (left or right menu), templates in which you would like to make removal and then Reese the Show links button. After you took all the above-mentioned steps there will appear a list of links of the templates chosen. For removing a certain link, please tick the checkbook corresponding to this particular link and press the Delete links from Main Templates 4. . 3 Change Copyright Changing Copyright require s choosing template(s) from the list, entering a new one in the corresponding slot and clicking the Change Copyright button. 4. 5 Design The menu of this section comprises two points: 4. 5. 1 Edit default design In order to change the website design one of the provided templates is to be chosen ND appropriate button to be clicked. You can zoom the design patterns to have a more thorough look on them by clicking on the corresponding image.List the zoomed patterns by clicking the arrow appearing at moving the mouse pointer in the lower right/left corner of the screen. 452 Edit detail ton In this section you can change default font and its size. To do it, choose the corresponding values and click the Edit default font button. 5. FAQ 5. 1 How to place an image? In order to place an image on a web-page, you need to visit the Web-pages section, choose a preferred language and start editing the page (see Edit web-page content section). Place the mouse pointer in the area where you would li ke to insert an image.Find the Insert image option on the toolbar of web-page editing. You can either upload it or enter a link to it. In order to place an image using the link, visit the Image info section. Enter the link to the image In the URL field, you can also input the text which will be displayed in case of the image being unavailable in the Alternative Text slot. The image will be shown in the Preview field. You can also set the following image parameters: Width Height Boded – framing of he image (1 Hospice – horizontal spacing Peace – vertical spacing Align Click the k button to place an image.In order to upload an image from your computer, please visit the Upload section, press the Browse button, choose the image to be uploaded and press the Send it to the Server button. Once the image is uploaded to the server, the Image Info section will open. Press the k button. 5. 2 How to place a link? In order to place a link on a certain website page, please vi sit the Web-pages section. Choose the preferred language and pass over to editing it (see Edit page content). Place the mouse pointer in the area where you would like to place a link. Choose Insert link option on the toolbar.Choose a link type in the Link type field. URL – a link to the Internet source Link to the anchor in the text – a link within the weapon E- Mail – a link to the email Choose a link protocol in the Protocol field, enter the link in the URL slot – press the k button to place it. 5. 3 How to place an image with a link? In order to place an image with a link on a certain website page, follow the steps represented in point 5. 1 before pressing the k button. Visit the Link section and enter the link to the URL field; you can choose the method of opening the link in the Target field.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Palette vs. Pallet vs. Palate
Palette vs. Pallet vs. Palate Palette vs. Pallet vs. Palate Palette vs. Pallet vs. Palate By Mark Nichol Palette, pallet, and palate are three similar words sharing (in most senses) a common etymology that can trip writers up. Here’s a guide to the distinctions in meaning, plus a look at other distantly related words: If you were to describe a traditional image of the artist at work, you and I would likely note the same tropes: the beret, the smock, the painter squinting one eye as he looks down his outstretched arm at his model or subject next to his upraised thumb or paint brush (a strategy that helps him determine proportions). And in his other hand would be a flat, oval board, held with a handy thumb hole, with small, variously colored glops of paint a palette. The name of this handy paint-mixing surface comes from French (certainement!) the original meaning was â€Å"blade†or â€Å"small shovel†and ultimately derives from the Latin term pala, meaning â€Å"shoulder blade†or â€Å"spade.†Palette, by association, later came to refer to the range of colors employed in a work of art or, later, available in analog and then digital graphic design. Several other, more obscure senses exist. A pallet, meanwhile, is a flat structure made of wooden slats (or, increasingly, other materials), used to support heavy items in storage and when hauling freight, or a wooden tool used in pottery or a flat component in an analog clock that sets it in motion. In heraldry, pallet denotes a vertical band of color. These meanings derive from the â€Å"blade†sense of palette. The same word used to refer to a crude bed or mattress, the latter generally stuffed with straw, is unrelated. The palate, the name of the roof of the mouth, is also of Latin origin: Palatum means just that. (Oddly, the palate, rather than the tongue, was long considered the medium by which taste is experienced, hence the use of the word to mean â€Å"sense of taste.†) The adjective palatable means â€Å"tasty.†Another adjective, palatine, used in anatomy to identify, for example, the palatine bone, is unrelated to the identical-looking word derived from palace. Plate and its many forms are only tangentially related to this trio. Taken as is from French, it originally meant â€Å"a flat piece of metal,†ultimately from the Greek word platys, meaning â€Å"flat,†which was borrowed by Latin as plattus. The sense of a shallow dish is from the fact that such utensils were originally made of precious metals; one meaning of plate, singular in construction but plural in meaning, to refer to valuable dishes retains this sense. Words with the same origin as plate include plateau, platelet (literally, â€Å"little plate†), platen, platform, platinum, platitude, platter, and platypus (literally, flat foot†). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Meaning of "To a T"Probable vs. Possible40 Idioms with First
Monday, October 21, 2019
Wolfs essays
Wolfs essays The reintroduction a species into a new territory is always controversial. The restoration of wolves into Yellowstone Park and Idaho is no exception. Although the wildlife conservationists fought to save wolves, n the other hand ranchers revolted wolves, killing them every chance they got. The restoration of wolves in Yellowstone Park actually began in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies of in central Alberta. The team consisted of three scientists in a helicopter, the pilot, one biologist serving as spotter, and a second biologist who darted the wolves with a tranquilizer gun. The darter had to wear a jumpsuit and a nylon harness around the waist to support him when he leaned out of the helicopter to get the best shot possible. As the pilot maneuvered through the trees the spotter would spot the wolves then they would try to run the wolves down a path to a clear-cut were the darter could get a shot within fifty feet. The tranquilized wolves were then loaded them into the helicopter. The wolves were taken to Switzer Provincial Park, near Hinton Alberta, and veterinarians there would closely inspect the wolves for injuries and treat the dart wounds. Biologists examined them closely to determine their age, sex, size, and reproductive ability. When the wolves wo ke up they are tranquilized again, placed in small travel kennels, and loaded into a USDA Forest Service transport plane headed for the United States, and there released nearly eight hundred miles south in Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho. In the 1870s people didnt understand biology and the notion that all living things have value. During these times beaver pelts, elk, and wolf hides were worth a great deal to the fur trading companies. In 1885 wolfing was actually carried on as a full time occupation. Every three to four miles the wolfers would kill a buffalo and insert strychnine into the entrails, tongue and flank of the animal. T...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Case WriteUp for Sunshine Foods Marketing
First, their motto: â€Å"As long as new products look like they will increase the company’s sales volume, they are introduced. †This is causing the company to take on too many products that don’t increase their revenues. It spreads them to thin and makes them too generic. Second, adding more products to use the unused areas of production. They need to do a cost analysis to see if using that unused production time has any cost/revenue benefit. Just because it is unused doesn’t mean that it will generate more money if it is used. Third, their contract states a grocer needs to carry at least 65 Sunshine Food items. This forces only large grocers to carry their items, which limits their market area. By limiting their market area to only large grocers they are unable to have price control and they are always competing against all of the other brands that the store carries. Sunshine’s lack of growth is primarily caused by their lack of specialization. If they can and freeze everything and anything then a consumer doesn’t see them as being â€Å"the best†in any product. Their lack of expansion into smaller stores is also holding back their growth. High overhead costs are created by Sunshine’s need to use every second of factory time. This is causing them to spend too much to create a product that returns very little. If their factories have that much unused time they should just close a few factories and focus on what is really important. Recommendations I would recommend that they first do a cost analysis on the products that they are producing. This will allow them to see which products sell the most and create the highest return. Once they know this information they need to produce more of those items and stop producing the items that aren’t helping their bottom line. Along with this, they will be able to identify which factories are the most efficient at producing those items. They can then close the slower factories and use the money to make the remaining factories more efficient. I would then have them change their contract to a much smaller number of items for stores to carry. If they lower their number to 25 items then they could sell items in more boutique shops that will have lower competition and higher prices. To really increase their profits they should pick a few â€Å"specialty†items and market themselves as having the best in those items. This will help them create more of a brand name, especially if they sell those items in the boutique shops. Case WriteUp for Sunshine Foods Marketing First, their motto: â€Å"As long as new products look like they will increase the company’s sales volume, they are introduced. †This is causing the company to take on too many products that don’t increase their revenues. It spreads them to thin and makes them too generic. Second, adding more products to use the unused areas of production. They need to do a cost analysis to see if using that unused production time has any cost/revenue benefit. Just because it is unused doesn’t mean that it will generate more money if it is used. Third, their contract states a grocer needs to carry at least 65 Sunshine Food items. This forces only large grocers to carry their items, which limits their market area. By limiting their market area to only large grocers they are unable to have price control and they are always competing against all of the other brands that the store carries. Sunshine’s lack of growth is primarily caused by their lack of specialization. If they can and freeze everything and anything then a consumer doesn’t see them as being â€Å"the best†in any product. Their lack of expansion into smaller stores is also holding back their growth. High overhead costs are created by Sunshine’s need to use every second of factory time. This is causing them to spend too much to create a product that returns very little. If their factories have that much unused time they should just close a few factories and focus on what is really important. Recommendations I would recommend that they first do a cost analysis on the products that they are producing. This will allow them to see which products sell the most and create the highest return. Once they know this information they need to produce more of those items and stop producing the items that aren’t helping their bottom line. Along with this, they will be able to identify which factories are the most efficient at producing those items. They can then close the slower factories and use the money to make the remaining factories more efficient. I would then have them change their contract to a much smaller number of items for stores to carry. If they lower their number to 25 items then they could sell items in more boutique shops that will have lower competition and higher prices. To really increase their profits they should pick a few â€Å"specialty†items and market themselves as having the best in those items. This will help them create more of a brand name, especially if they sell those items in the boutique shops.
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Different Stages of Prenatal Development Essay
The Different Stages of Prenatal Development - Essay Example In the psychological profession, there are those that take part in Prenatal & Perinatal psychology. Individuals that seek to educate others about psychological development. From the first moment that an individual learns that they are pregnant, there often times are a wide variety of emotions that are experienced by not only themselves but those closest to them. The sense of wonder as to how something like this could have happened but also, an equally felt sense of attention being paid to what the pregnancy would mean to their life, both in the present and going into both the labor and post-delivery, as well as their new child. Over the course of the 40 weeks that a woman experiences pregnancy, the psychological developments that occur are just as relevant, as the fetal developments that are occurring for their child. How psychological responses can be nurtured from the time of development and continue on through the rest of a lifetime. The stages of pregnancy are classified into three categories. According to (2000-2009, 2010), they are; Conception stage- The conception stage occurs in the first 2 weeks of pregnancy. What it implies is that the body is preparing itself for pregnancy and is taking the necessary steps in order to enhance the process. A prenatal development week by week study shows that in these first 2 weeks the body grows a thick layer of blood perfused tissue in the womb. The process of conception takes about 2 weeks, and after that the egg reaches the uterus where it starts growing. Embryonic stage- Once the egg has reached the uterus, the embryonic stage begins. This continues till about the 11th week of pregnancy, and is the most important of all the stages of prenatal development. The foundational development of the embryo begins in this stage, and as such, due care and precautions must be taken. By around the 4th week, the cellular division is in full flow, and the divisions are made between the cells that will make up the baby, and the cells that will make up the placenta. By the 6th week of pregnancy, the baby develops a heartbeat and arms and legs, so this is a very important stage of prenatal development. The process continues and by the 8th week the teeth and the intestines begin to form as well. By the time the embryonic stage ends at the 11th week, the child has started the development of all major organs, the central nervous system, various joints in the body, and the irises in the eyes. Fetal Development- From the 11th week onwards, the child is called a fetus, and this stage is the last amongst the prenatal development timeline, and it ultimately culminates in the birth of the child. Till about the 16th week the fetus develops hair, nails, vocal cords, genitals, hardened bones, and a functioning liver and kidneys. By about the 20th week fat starts accumulating under the skin, the heart starts pumping more amounts of blood each day, and the baby also starts experiencing hiccups. Prenatal development then slows down a bit, and by the 24th week, the child has formed eyelids and eyebrows, and it weighs about 6 kilograms (1.3 pounds). The development then continues and slowly the lungs start developing, and by the 28th week the
Answer chapter 8 question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Answer chapter 8 question - Essay Example While listening, we must, concentrate on the meanings of the speaker, sustain eye contact, be quiet, send acknowledgement. While reading someone’s message, even then try your best to decipher the meaning of writer. Do not assume anything or draw conclusion if some word is confusing. Just write back for clarification. When speaking, try to keep listeners engaged through gestures and postures and make your meaning and words clear for listeners. Answer: Emotions are driving force. How to handle emotions intelligently is called emotional intelligence. Do not take anything personally. You would face a lot of conflicts but you need to manage conflicts by controlling your emotions by taking deep breath and trying to see the outcome of your would be action as a result of emotions. Answer: We write all the day: on cell phones, on the internet, in a class, etc. This demonstrates the importance of writing. Getting ready to write, writing a first draft and revising your draft are three phases of writing best practices. Following these phases make us write effectively. Answer: Academic writing papers and report are designed to make you do your own work that transforms your skills. But copying the works of other serves no purpose. It is unethical, it is a theft and it is a bar in the way of learning. So we must try to just use the research of other with proper citation and to prove our thesis
Book Review on 'The Modern Firm' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Book Review on 'The Modern Firm' - Essay Example Thus, these insights can be more readily applied to any developing business firm to achieve the desired level of success. According to the Economist, The Modern Firm is the " business book of the year...deserves to be a classic...Nobody, it can now be said, is fully fit to run a modern firm until they have read "The Modern Firm. " (The Economist, 16th December, 2004). Times also agrees with Economist calling the book â€Å"interesting†that is not so in many business literatures. Objective The book’s objective is to explicate some of the core concepts in organizational economics in a language accessible also for the lay people (Fredrick Tell, November 2006). The Wave of Change In this book a strong conceptual framework has been developed to analyze the interrelation between business environment, competitive strategy and organizational design features. According to Fredrick Tell, the essential problem that Roberts discusses is how features of strategy and organizat ion can be modified by a â€Å"designer†so as to achieve higher level of performance in relation to the firm’s context. Industries from all the corners of the globe are introducing new and modern designs for their organizations. They are going in for better and innovative architecture. They are changing their processes and routines. Thus, we find that the total corporate culture is undergoing a dramatic transformation in a bid to maximize their profit. However, all these changes are contributing towards a great upheaval that promises to reconstruct the entire organization. Hence, we can see that the values and beliefs of any organization are greatly transformed with the passage of time. The changes do not stop at the infrastructure level but move on to the power making authorities too. Hence, newer governing bodies are being formed within the organizations that affect the overall decision taking authority. The organizational charts are being redrawn while the manpower is shrunk and made as diverse as possible. Outsourcing is also coming up as a cost effective and simple solution that solves much of the productivity problems. The mechanism to reward and motivate people is being revamped. The information system is also being redesigned to include latest technologies. Hence, the entire organization is suffering a facelift to present the business in a healthier and better way. Compulsory Changes John Robert argues in favor of these changes as he says that they are compulsory for the growth of the industries. He says that these changes would affect the organization in a better way and accelerate the companies’ performance and growth. However, the writer cautions that the change should not be done to the cost of the basic profit formula. The industries that are already successful and showing great monetary returns should continue to embrace that winning formula while affecting the required overall change. The Determinants of Performance Accordi ng to the writer, the performance has three determinants- Strategy, Organization and Environment. Strategy: What merchandise is suitable for which market? Organization: It consists of a collection of workers and the way they are grouped. Environment: Customers, competitors, technology, regulatory and regal context, various social, demographic and political features, and so on. When all three determinants work in accordance with each other then the performance level is maximized that result in a greater level of achievement. PARC PARC is Roberts’
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Canterbury Television (CTV) Building Incident-Case Analysis Assignment
The Canterbury Television (CTV) Building Incident-Case Analysis - Assignment Example One such earthquake occurred on 22nd February 2011 in New Zealand causing 184 deaths with property worth billions of dollars being destroyed. This happened when an earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale hit Christchurch. The fact that only the Canterbury Television (CTV) Building collapsed following the earthquake have raised a lot of questions regarding the design and construction of the building. Investigations have since shown that the collapse occurred due to poor design and construction, several parties drawing blame for the collapse of the building. Several role players have been blamed for the collapse of CTV building which has affected several stakeholders. Many of the role players in the building double up as stakeholders. The main role players in the building include David Harding, Alun Wilke Associates, Alan Reay Consultants Ltd., Alan Reay, Gerald Schirtcliff, Bill Jones, David Coatsworth, CCC, and different inspectors. Other stakeholders include tenants, the build ing owner, shareholders of the company that owned CTV building, staff members working for CTV building tenants, and members of public. It is worth noting that some of the management issues that emerge from the CTV building event are corruption, favoritism and lack of professionalism. It is recommended that all role players and stakeholders in the construction industry should take their work/roles seriously to avoid similar incidences. Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 The Key Role-Players and Stakeholders 5 Management and organizational factors associated with the incident
Is 'green capitalism' resistance to change Essay
Is 'green capitalism' resistance to change - Essay Example This can be exemplified by the fact that if news of organizations committing illegal and harmful activities is aired, hoards of activists and scores of NGOs and environment protecting organizations unanimously raise an outcry against the alleged misdemeanor. The roads are swamped with local residents carrying banners and signs to decry the gutless and unethical practices of the organizations. This comes to establish that the notion of ecologically sustainable development has been replaced by a much more comprehensive concept i.e. economically sustainable development (Green 1999). The damage that has been rendered to the environment as a result of unchecked business activities has driven countries towards the adoption of new concept i.e. green capitalism. This paper looks into the notion of green capitalism and evaluates how well is it faring in the capitalist market. The paper explores the parties that oppose green capitalism and the debates that have arisen out of it. So the questio n arises that what exactly is green capitalism? Green capitalism has seeped through both the market and the culture, and one can see organizations engaged in promoting a more socially responsible image of themselves. ... n capitalism refers to an approach that buttresses the view that levers of the market can be used to fix the damage that has been caused to the environment in the past (Rogers 2010). There are different views that have arisen regarding green capitalism. Proponents of green capitalism are of the perspective that fossil fuels constitute scare resources and are not going to last forever. These natural resources are going to finish eventually and will also become more expensive as that time approaches. This follows that businesses have to adjust themselves to accomplish more through the limited amount of resources at their disposal. According to green capitalism, usage of lesser resources by both the governments and the businesses would provide benefits not only to the environment but would also have a positive effect on the profits that the companies make. This can be exemplified from the fact that if a company expends less on inputs while trying to make the production process more effi cient, the organization can make better outputs and greater margins. Thus, being ‘being ecologically prudent is a surefire way to boost the bottom line’ (Rogers 2010). Governments are starting to trace a link between the progress of the country and the pursuit of green activities by businesses. Don Henry, executive director of the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF), observes that businesses must realign their practices in accordance with the economically sustainable development to facilitate the movement towards a clean, green economy. He regards that the creation and promotion of a clean green economy would contribute towards the Australia acquiring its fair share of jobs in the future while at the same time bestowing the country with an assortment of economical benefits (Green
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Book Review on 'The Modern Firm' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Book Review on 'The Modern Firm' - Essay Example Thus, these insights can be more readily applied to any developing business firm to achieve the desired level of success. According to the Economist, The Modern Firm is the " business book of the year...deserves to be a classic...Nobody, it can now be said, is fully fit to run a modern firm until they have read "The Modern Firm. " (The Economist, 16th December, 2004). Times also agrees with Economist calling the book â€Å"interesting†that is not so in many business literatures. Objective The book’s objective is to explicate some of the core concepts in organizational economics in a language accessible also for the lay people (Fredrick Tell, November 2006). The Wave of Change In this book a strong conceptual framework has been developed to analyze the interrelation between business environment, competitive strategy and organizational design features. According to Fredrick Tell, the essential problem that Roberts discusses is how features of strategy and organizat ion can be modified by a â€Å"designer†so as to achieve higher level of performance in relation to the firm’s context. Industries from all the corners of the globe are introducing new and modern designs for their organizations. They are going in for better and innovative architecture. They are changing their processes and routines. Thus, we find that the total corporate culture is undergoing a dramatic transformation in a bid to maximize their profit. However, all these changes are contributing towards a great upheaval that promises to reconstruct the entire organization. Hence, we can see that the values and beliefs of any organization are greatly transformed with the passage of time. The changes do not stop at the infrastructure level but move on to the power making authorities too. Hence, newer governing bodies are being formed within the organizations that affect the overall decision taking authority. The organizational charts are being redrawn while the manpower is shrunk and made as diverse as possible. Outsourcing is also coming up as a cost effective and simple solution that solves much of the productivity problems. The mechanism to reward and motivate people is being revamped. The information system is also being redesigned to include latest technologies. Hence, the entire organization is suffering a facelift to present the business in a healthier and better way. Compulsory Changes John Robert argues in favor of these changes as he says that they are compulsory for the growth of the industries. He says that these changes would affect the organization in a better way and accelerate the companies’ performance and growth. However, the writer cautions that the change should not be done to the cost of the basic profit formula. The industries that are already successful and showing great monetary returns should continue to embrace that winning formula while affecting the required overall change. The Determinants of Performance Accordi ng to the writer, the performance has three determinants- Strategy, Organization and Environment. Strategy: What merchandise is suitable for which market? Organization: It consists of a collection of workers and the way they are grouped. Environment: Customers, competitors, technology, regulatory and regal context, various social, demographic and political features, and so on. When all three determinants work in accordance with each other then the performance level is maximized that result in a greater level of achievement. PARC PARC is Roberts’
Is 'green capitalism' resistance to change Essay
Is 'green capitalism' resistance to change - Essay Example This can be exemplified by the fact that if news of organizations committing illegal and harmful activities is aired, hoards of activists and scores of NGOs and environment protecting organizations unanimously raise an outcry against the alleged misdemeanor. The roads are swamped with local residents carrying banners and signs to decry the gutless and unethical practices of the organizations. This comes to establish that the notion of ecologically sustainable development has been replaced by a much more comprehensive concept i.e. economically sustainable development (Green 1999). The damage that has been rendered to the environment as a result of unchecked business activities has driven countries towards the adoption of new concept i.e. green capitalism. This paper looks into the notion of green capitalism and evaluates how well is it faring in the capitalist market. The paper explores the parties that oppose green capitalism and the debates that have arisen out of it. So the questio n arises that what exactly is green capitalism? Green capitalism has seeped through both the market and the culture, and one can see organizations engaged in promoting a more socially responsible image of themselves. ... n capitalism refers to an approach that buttresses the view that levers of the market can be used to fix the damage that has been caused to the environment in the past (Rogers 2010). There are different views that have arisen regarding green capitalism. Proponents of green capitalism are of the perspective that fossil fuels constitute scare resources and are not going to last forever. These natural resources are going to finish eventually and will also become more expensive as that time approaches. This follows that businesses have to adjust themselves to accomplish more through the limited amount of resources at their disposal. According to green capitalism, usage of lesser resources by both the governments and the businesses would provide benefits not only to the environment but would also have a positive effect on the profits that the companies make. This can be exemplified from the fact that if a company expends less on inputs while trying to make the production process more effi cient, the organization can make better outputs and greater margins. Thus, being ‘being ecologically prudent is a surefire way to boost the bottom line’ (Rogers 2010). Governments are starting to trace a link between the progress of the country and the pursuit of green activities by businesses. Don Henry, executive director of the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF), observes that businesses must realign their practices in accordance with the economically sustainable development to facilitate the movement towards a clean, green economy. He regards that the creation and promotion of a clean green economy would contribute towards the Australia acquiring its fair share of jobs in the future while at the same time bestowing the country with an assortment of economical benefits (Green
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Global Sourcing Challenge Case Questions Essay Example for Free
Global Sourcing Challenge Case Questions Essay 1. Marianna Barner should decline the invitation for IKEA to have a representative appear on the upcoming forecast of the German video program. The producers of the documentary invited them to take part in a live discussion during the airing, and while this offer does sound beneficial for IKEA to educate the public and the producers of the current efforts taken to fight child labor, it would not be in their best interest. This is attributed to the fact that the producers refuse to let IKEA preview the video beforehand and that they are aware that the producers â€Å"planned to take a confrontational and aggressive approach†directly aimed at them. As a result, there is a very high possibility that the representative would then be blindsided with questions and then IKEA’s message of their efforts would not be portrayed accurately. Instead, IKEA should respond to the allegations by releasing their own statement allowing them to explain their efforts once they have had the opportunity to review all evidence and verify the credibility. 2. In regards to the supply contract that IKEA has with Rangan Exports, it would be best if Barner terminates the contract, should sufficient evidence prove that they do indeed use child labor. They stress the importance of taking responsibility for their suppliers, and in the IWAY (IKEA Code of Conduct), it clearly states that they do not accept Child Labourm, otherwise their contract will be terminated. The well-regarded company (Rangan) had signed an addendum that explicitly forbids the use of child labor, so it is important that IKEA upholds their standards and codes in order to maintain a fair position with their other suppliers. It would also be wise for her to then issue a statement or press release about the severed ties with the company, stating the reasons for the decision and maintaining integrity by upholding their own policies regarding child labor, so that the public and other suppliers see that they won’t tolerate unethical behavior or violations to their contra ct. 3. It is suggested that IKEA stays in India and continue operations. The long-term strategy that Barner should take regarding continued operations includes maintaining their code of conduct to uphold their image of being responsible for their suppliers and the environment, while also contributing to an improved quality of life for those in India.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Activity Based Costing (ABC) Advantages and Disadvantages
Activity Based Costing (ABC) Advantages and Disadvantages Activity Based Costing which is popularly known as ABC system has been considered as an economic map of an organizations expenses and profitability based on organizational activities according to Kaplan R; and Cooper R. An activity is an event, task or unit of work with a specified purpose, for instance, designing a product, setting up machines, operating machines, and distributing products; by Horngren, Foster, Datar. According to Kaplan R.S Cooper R; ABC system came in the mid-1980s to meet the need for accurate information required by managers about cost of resources demanded by individual products, services and customers. It emerged as competition moved from local to global and from the efficient use of direct labour and machines. Absorption Costing also known as full costing is a traditional costing system developed in the 1900s, by which overheads incurred within a period were absorbed into the products by Kilgour D. The traditional absorption costing was introduced at a time when technology was simpler, competition was local, products were standard and not customised products and services, speed, quality and performance were not measurement for success in reference to Kaplan R.S Cooper R. Importance of Absorption Costing System or Activity Based Costing: According to Horngren, Foster Datar, the importance of a costing system should depend on whether the company is producing one type of product and therefore could allocate all overhead costs using one cost pool and one cost rate or whether the company is producing different kind of products and therefore need a system which could enable it apportion the total cost of resources accurately according to their usage of those resources. As companies began to expand and delve into producing variety of products, they began to notice that some products place more demand on their resources than others. It became important to absorb overhead when products which are not the same but required different production processes or jobs which although the use the same facility but at a length of time according to Terry L. To ascertain how to apportion overheads to products or services, traditional absorption costing involves two stages; the first stage is the allocation and apportionment and the second stage is the use of absorption rate to absorb overheads into products. Overhead Allocation: Terry L; overhead allocation is the assignment of all cost incurred to a single cost unit, centre account or time period. Overhead Apportionment: This is a case where the costs incurred could not be identified with only one cost centre therefore the cost is shared between the cost centres using that service, for instance, lighting cost would be shared between all the cost centres using a suitable basis, Terry L. It is important that the basis upon which costs are apportioned are relevant, fair and equitable; Terry L. Overhead Absorption Rate: This is usually calculated at the beginning of a period therefore it is based on budgeted costs and production volumes, AAT units 89. The formula is as follows: Total overheads of cost centre Total number of units of absorption base applicable to cost centre According to Terry L; before calculating absorption rate, the absorption base chosen has to reflect the characteristics of the given cost centre. The basis most commonly used are direct labour hours for a labour intensive cost centre and the machine hour basis usually used where the cost centre is highly mechanised. With exception of the above two basis, other basis include; Direct wages, Direct material, Prime cost and Cost unit. ABC System: Activity Based Costing began in a manufacturing setting but has been more service -oriented than product oriented. Service Industries as much as manufacturing industries need ABC system to connect the cost resources they supply to the revenues earned by the individual products and customers serviced by these resources in reference to Horngren, Foster Datar. ABC System has three key features are: (1) With the system all costs used by a product whether variable or fixed in the short-run or overheads(indirect costs)in the long-run are identified by creating cost pools as ABC is focused on long-run variable costs for instance as Terry L; said, costs for supporting activities like stock handling, production scheduling and so on. Cost Pool: Classifying all related costs to a particular activity together according to Terry L. (2) The second feature of ABC system is; An amount of an activity performed in each cost pool is recognised as a basis of allocation for instance, set-up hours as a measure of set up activity. Horngren, Foster, Datar. (3) The third feature is that costs in a cost pool can sometimes be traced directly to products. Horngren, Foster, Datar. The Differences Between Traditional Absorption Costing and Activity Based Costing. The differences between the two costing system are easy to notice. Below are lists of some of them: The traditional absorption costing was introduced at the time when technology was simple, there was only local competition and not global, when products were standard not customised, from Kaplan S.R Cooper R. ABC system emerged at the time when competition had become global and fierce and had shifted from the efficient use of labour hours and machines, by Kaplan S.R Cooper R. The traditional costing uses mostly two allocation bases to allocate overheads to products; direct labour basis for a labour intensive company and the machine hour basis for a highly mechanised company. These two bases would not capture the demand of a particular product on the resources of the organisation. There are no cause and effect relationship to an allocation base with the use of this method, Horngren, Foster, Datar. With ABC system, costs of activities within the organisation are more accurately measured because the cost pools are properly structured with specific activity cost allocation bases which became cost drivers for the cost pool. Cost Driver: factor influencing the level of cost from Terry L. In the traditional absorption system, absorption rates are based on predetermined figures thereby giving rise to under and over absorption of overhead. Under absorption arises when the estimated overhead is less than the actual overhead. Over absorption of overhead arises when the overhead absorbed exceeds the actual overhead ; from AAT Study text units 89. The measurement required to implement ABC system are costly as the system demands that management should estimate costs of activity pool, identify and measure cost drivers for the cost pools to serve as allocation bases; from, Horngren, Foster, Datar. The use of ABC system will require its activity cost rates to be updated regularly and a detailed ABC system consumes time, is difficult to understand and operate, Horngren, Foster Datar. Illustration : As an illustration of the differences between traditional absorption costing and activity based costing,with attention to set up activity, the effect of allocating all overheads using direct labour hours as against an ABC emphasis on individual activities, the name of the company shall be called Z. Z produces two kinds of lenses for an automobile company. The first product is a simple lenses, the second product is called complex lenses. Set ups involves trial runs, fine tuning, adjustments, wrong set-ups cause quality problems such as scratches . Each set-up requires different resources depending on the complexity of the operation. Complex lenses are produced in small batches because the mold has to be cleaned more often. Horngren, Foster Datar. According to Horngren, Foster, Datar, set-up data for simple lens and complex lens are: Simple Complex S3 lens CL5 lens Total (1) Quantity produced 60,000 15,000 (2) Lens per batch 240 50 (3) No of batches (1/2) 250 300 (4) Set-up time per batch 2hours 5hours (5) Total set-up hours (3)*(4) 500hours 1500hours 2000hours Direct manufacturing labour hours 30000hrs 9750hrs 39750hrs Z recognises total cost of set-ups comprising of allocated costs of process engineers, supervisors, set-up equipment of  £300,000. Solution: The table below shows how the set-up costs have been allocated to simple and complex lenses using direct labour hours and setup hours: Setup cost per direct labour hours: (300,000/39750)= £7.54717 Setup cost per setup hours: (300,000/2000)=  £150 Simple Complex Total S3 lens CL5 lens Cost allocated using direct labour hrs:  £7.54717* 30000;  £7.54717*9750  £226,415  £73,585  £300,000 Cost allocated using setup hrs:  £150*500;  £150*1500  £75,000  £225,000  £300,000 Implementing the Activity Based Costing System: The choice of implementing Activity Based Costing depends on the managers after evaluating the advantages and disadvantages, controlling the amount of details required and cost. ABC system enables management to see their existing and predetermined cost of activities and business processes which then equips them with knowledge of the cost and profitability of the various products, services, customers and operating units according to Kaplan S.R, Cooper R. There are several steps the company could take to change the existing costing system. These are: Step 1: List all the activities of the company performed by indirect and support Resources, for instance, material handling, schedule production and so on. Step 2: Find out how much the company is spending on each activity in the company. Step 3: Indentify the companys products, services and customers, Kaplan S.R, Cooper R. Step 4: Charge support overheads by their usage of the activity with emphasis on the Cause-effect relationship. Recommendation: ABC system is recommended since it provides more accurate product Costs. The system has been used successfully in some service industries Such as the Cooperative Banks to identify profitability, product mixes, Improve efficiency and satisfy customers, Horngren, Foster Datar.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Postman: Rant or Reason? Essay -- Essays Papers
Postman: Rant or Reason? In his novel, "Amusing Ourselves to Death", author Neil Postman describes to the reader, in detail, the immediate and future dangers of television. The arguement starts out in a logical manner, explaining first the differences between today's media-driven society, and yesterday's "typographic America". Postman goes on to discuss in the second half of his book the effects of today's media, politics on television, religion on television, and finally televised educational programs. All, he says, are making a detrimental imprint on our society, its values, and its standards. Postman explains that the media consists of "fragment[s] of news" (100), and politics are merely a fashion show. Although Postman's arguments regarding the brevity of the American attention span and the impotence of today's mass media are logical, his opinion of television's inability to educate is severely overstated. Neil Postman is right on the mark when he states that television is having an overall negative effect on our society: It promotes short attention spans. Postman takes as example for this argument the seven famous debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas. In that time, Postman explains, audiences would "cheerfully accomodate themselves to seven hours of oratory" (44). This is a concept entirely unknown to today's society. In no stretch of the imagination would a sizeable crowd possibly willingly "subject" themselves to such a lengthy activity. The reason for this anomaly is television. A brief peek at any private television broadcasting station will show the reason: We're having entertainment fed to us in tiny portions. During each thirty or sixty minutes, our favorite sit-com family winds its way throug... ...not one posed by television, but by the potential for the public to overlook the positive qualities of television. Televised education has, despite its need for a short leash, a fair amount of useful applications. Postman must look past the negative image of television-zombie children in order to see the true potential beneath. That said, it is safe to add that network television would still benefit greatly from large handful of additional Postman-influence. Works Cited Fowles, Jib. "Advertising's Fifteen Basic Appeals." Common Culture, 3rd Edition. Ed. Petracca, Michael, and Sorapure, Madeleine. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2001. 60-77. Lasn, Kalle. Culture Jam. New York: William Morrow and Company Inc, 1999. Postman, Neil. Amusing Ourselves to Death. New York: Penguin Books, 1985. Schwartz, Tony. Media: The Second God. New York: Random House, 1981.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Steps Which America Should Take to Reduce Our Dependence on Foreign
It is important that America should take immediate action to reduce its dependence on foreign oil. If America continues to have a great demand for it, it will create a threat to the country’s economy and national security. There are three primary actions that America might take in order to reduce its dependence on foreign oil: Alaskan oil drilling, off-shore oil drilling, and natural gas drilling. America’s dependence on foreign oil is a threat to its economy. Per minute, America wastes $200,000 and per hour, $13 million by relying on it (Natural Resources Defense Council, p. 1). Gasoline consumption has led to an increase of costs of oil which is passed on to consumers at the pump, through more expensive goods and services, and in a weaker job market and lower stock prices (Natural Resources Defense Council, p. 3). Therefore, if current trends in oil demand and prices continue, economic impacts for the U.S. will intensify. It is possible for America to reduce its dependence on foreign oil, but the petroleum industries and other monopolies have paid Congress to take out the competition (Worthington, p. 1). Legal monopolies are targeting the market effects of foreign oil, which increases profits, while America’s government obliges them. Unfortunately, these de jure monopolies have kept America in a dirty fuel monopoly that has been arranged to terminate its o nly competition to create a government-granted monopoly (Worthington, p. 1). As for the national security, by importing more and more oil each year, there is an increase of demand and a decrease in domestic production. The United States can become more secure by enforcing the work on farms and factories to reduce our thirst for foreign oil (Natural Resources Defens... revenue from the sale of offshore charters and helps win political support for energy and climate legislation (Broder, p. 2). The political response to off-shore drilling is positively approved. The Offshore oil drilling plan is considered to be a new chapter in the nation’s search for an approachable energy policy that can release new areas to oil and gas enlargement. Interior Secretary, Ken Salazar, has said that he hoped to rebalance the nation’s oil and gas policy to block oil exploration beneath virtually all public lands and waters (Broder, p. 3). An option, that was introduced, other than depending on foreign oil and reducing oil imports was the use of biofuels. This can lead to an increase of the purchase of hybrid cars for the motor industry. Off-shore drilling is an appropriate action that can reduce the amount of foreign oil imported by America.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Medision river Essay
Medicine River chronicles the lives of a group of contemporary First Nations people in Western Canada. The novel is divided into eighteen short chapters. The story is recounted by the protagonist, Will, in an amiable, conversational fashion, with frequent flashbacks to earlier portions of his life. In the novel, Medicine River, Thomas King creates a story of a little community to reflect the whole native nation. A simple return of Will’s makes the little town seem to be more colourful. â€Å"Medicine River makes non-native readers think a little longer and harder about the lives of the first people they live among and the places they inhabit. †Although Will enters the town as a foreigner, he eventually becomes part of the community. Medicine River shows the history of Canada and teaches readers to learn from the past experience in order to become better people. Will meets Louise who becomes an unfulfilled love interest that very much represents Will’s existence, a series of half-fulfilled expectations. That is, he develops an ongoing relationship with Louise and her daughter, South Wing, for whom Will becomes a kind of father-figure. It has been included on the high school reading curriculum in many Canadian jurisdictions. One advisor writes, â€Å"It is a humorously told ‘homecoming novel’ that echoes an oral storytelling style, yet at the same time, debunks any kind of stereotypical ‘cultural voice. ‘ Although the protagonist is a middle-aged man, the novel is appropriate for young people, simply because of the way it is written, drawing in any audience. â€Å"[1]The Aesthetic of Talk in Thomas King’s Medicine River By: Robinson, Jack; Studies in Canadian Literature/Etudes en Litterature Canadienne, 2006; 31 (1): 75-94. There Is No Bentham Street in Calgary: Panoptic Discourses and Thomas King’s Medicine River By: Stratton, Florence; Canadian Literature, 2005 Summer; 185: 11-27. ‘Stay Calm, Be Brave, Wait for the Signs’: Sign-Offs and Send-Ups in the Fiction of Thomas King By: Hirsch, Bud; Western American Literature, 2004 Summer; 39 (2): 145-75. Steinbeck’s Influence upon Native American Writers By: Hadella, Paul. IN: Shillinglaw and Hearle, Beyond Boundaries: Rereading John Steinbeck. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P; 2002. pp. 87–97 Purana Narratology and Thomas King: Rewriting of Colonial History in The Medicine River and Joe the Painter and the Deer Island Massacre By: Vahia, Aditi H. ; Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 2002; 22 (1): 65-80. The Art That Will Not Die: The Story-Telling of Greg Sarris and Thomas King By: Mackie, Mary Margaret; Dissertation, U of Oklahoma, 2001. Time Out: (Slam)Dunking Photographic Realism in Thomas King’s Medicine River By: Christie, Stuart; Studies in American Indian Literatures: The Journal of the Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures, 1999 Summer; 11 (2): 51-65. Beyond the Frame: Tom King’s Narratives of Resistment By: Peters, Darrell Jesse; Studies in American Indian Literatures: The Journal of the Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures, 1999 Summer; 11 (2): 66-79. Thomas King: A Trickster Healing through Humour By: Pascual Soler, Nieves. IN: Alvarez Maurin, Broncano Rodrigues, Fernandez Rabadan, and Garrigos Gonzalez, Actas III Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola para el Estudio dos Estados Unidos/Spanish Association for American Studies (SAAS): Fin de Siglo: Crisis y nuevos principios/Century Ends, Crises and New Beginnings. Leon, Spain: Universidad de Leon; 1999. pp. 299–305 Status, Mixedbloods, and Community in Thomas King’s Medicine River By: Mackie, Mary M. ; Journal of American Studies of Turkey, 1998 Fall; 8: 65-71. Coyote Agape: Thomas King’s Working for Love By: La Bossiere, Camille R. ; River Review/La Revue Riviere: A Multidisciplinary Journal of Arts and Ideas/Revue Multidisciplinaire d’Arts et d’Idees, 1995; 1: 47-57. ‘Tell Our Own Stories’: Politics and the Fiction of Thomas King By: Walton, Percy; World Literature Written in English, 1990 Autumn; 30 (2): 77-84. Lavalley, Giselle Rene (1996). â€Å"One Tricky Coyote†: The fiction of Thomas King (M. A. thesis). Wilfrid Laurier University. References[edit] Jump up ^ Renate Eigenbrod, Georgina Kakegamic and Josias Fiddler, â€Å"Aboriginal Literatures in Canada: A Teacher’s Resource Guide†, 2003 Jump up ^ â€Å"Medicine River: Review†. TV Guide. Retrieved 8 February 2011. External links[edit] Medicine River at the Internet Movie Database Spirit Rider at the Internet Movie Database Categories: 1989 booksNovels by Thomas KingNative American novelsNovels set in Canada Navigation menu Create accountLog inArticleTalkReadEditView history Search Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Donate to Wikipedia Wikimedia Shop Interaction Help About Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact page Tools Print/export Languages à Ã'Æ'Ã' Ã' à ºÃ ¸Ã ¹ Edit links This page was last modified on 18 July 2013 at 22:44
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Assessment of initial launch into China Essay
Please watch the video case of Michel’s patisserie and answer the following question in written format (also prepare the answers to other questions listed on the tutorial agenda for tutorial discussion): What is your assessment of Michel’s initial launch into China? What would you have done differently? China has a tea-drinking culture, and tea has dominated for centuries. The coffee consumption in China is relatively low and although the coffee consumption is growing in some particular cities in China e.g. Shanghai and Beijing. The coffee market giant such as Starbucks has already had 500 shops in China and Chinese people are more attracted by the Starbucks image and experience than to the coffee itself. Michel’s may face the difficulties when operating in Chin in China. First, the key source of competitive advantage of Michel’s is about its successful franchising system, which prepared in a central bakery and then delivered to the franchisee’s stores and hence franchisees need only minimal preparations to start their business. However, this competitive advantage may blur because of the issues of logistic and bakery set up (localized central bakery). If Michel’s could not deal with those issues, which comprised with their competitive advantage, results i n less attractive and profitable of the brand. Therefore, it is hard to Michel’s to maintain its competitive advantages to compete with other coffee giants in this case- Starbucks, which has invested heavily in the brand development as one of the key competitive advantage in China. In addition, the franchise system in China is not mature; the local managers don’t have much managerial skill to understand the franchise concept, and often they might do what they want to regardless the franchise agreement, which may cause the inconsistent brand image and operations between home and host country. Before Michel’s initial launch into China they should had a more depth understanding of the Chinese coffee market. In the current case, the Chinese franchisee mentioned that the taste of Australian cakes is too sweet for Shanghai people and the English menu is difficult for local customer. All this kind of question can be solved by pre market research. Marketing plans are better to be consistent; Michel’s changed t heir franchise system and some marketing plans.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Anglo Saxon Culture as Reflected in Beowulf
Cultures usually have distinct figures that reflect their culture as a whole. The importance of religion, values, and heroes are reflected a great deal in the epic poem of Beowulf accurately showing the Anglo Saxon culture as a whole. Men dominated the Anglo Saxon society and the people loved a great hero like that of Beowulf. They believed a hero should be a keeper of his promises, be boastful and produce great physical strength. Also Beowulf was an outstanding fighter and loyal to everyone he met. He believed no one was greater than anyone else; Beowulf showed great respect even to his enemies by fighting them one on one (â€Å"Anglo Saxons†48). Even when Beowulf knows fate is against him and he is going to die; he continues to keep fighting; â€Å"†¦No prince so mild, no man so open to his people, so deserving of praise†(Beowulf 60). Beowulf’s boastful self-confidence, his overpowering strength, and his victories in battle make him a classic legendary hero and a model for the Anglo Saxon culture. A very important element in the society of the Anglo Saxons was the mead hall. The mead hall was essentially a meeting place for dinners, story telling and the party for victories (Bjork 89). The mead hall symbolizes security, fellowship, and all that is good in the world (Bjork 90). The mead hall was thought to be the safest place in the entire Kingdom. In Beowulf the mead hall was described as â€Å"the foremost of halls under heaven†(Orchard 77). This mead hall was called Herot serving as a palace for King Hrothgar. This is where Beowulf dismantled Grendel in an epic battle. Beowulf preferred to fight with his bare hands. The typical Anglo Saxon warrior was not blessed with the great talents Beowulf was blessed with so they used various weapons like: the spear, sword, shield, seaxe, and bow and sling. The spear was the most common weapon of choice and could be used as a missile or used in hand-to-hand combat. The sword was not a common weapon used at all because it was very expensive to produce. The sword was usually given to a great warrior who has demonstrated courageous acts in battle. All warriors had a shield that was made of wood and usually lined together by metal. A seaxe was a single bladed knife that was carried on the belt on the warrior and was used more as a tool than an actual weapon (Beowulf 112-113). Anglo-Saxons valued religion very highly. There is much controversy over Beowulf in dealing with pagan and Christian beliefs because historians believe both were integrated although Christianity seems to be more prevalent. Religion was the center of people’s life at this time and is demonstrated in Beowulf when Beowulf calling for God exclaims †¦ â€Å"the almighty the maker of the earth†. Up until the 6th century it is back and forth between Christianity and Paganism. The greatest sources of information on the pagan period of religion are from the 7th to 8th century testimonies, such as Beowulf (Orchard 25). Paganism dealt with the worshiping of many gods. The celebration of glory has such emphasis in Beowulf because human praise is the highest goal of the pagan characters. Anglo Saxon warriors wore helmets for battle with a pagan god on them named Freyr. Those who grew up praying to Thor to protect them with their shield and helmet before they went to battle were involved in the pagan religion (Orchard 33). Paganism seemed to be the religion of choice for many Anglo- Saxon warriors while Christianity did not evolve as quick in warriors (â€Å"Saxons Culture†). Margaret E. Goldsmith who wrote â€Å"The Christian Theme of Beowulf†exclaimed the teaching of St. Augustine and St. Gregory are incorporated in Hrothgar’s sermon. Goldsmith said Beowulf was sort of a Christian historical novel, with selected bits of paganism purposely laid on as â€Å"local color†such as the references to fate or Wyrd (Bloom 127). All considered Beowulf shows religion, expresses values of everyday life and explains what a true hero in all about in Anglo Saxon times. The Anglo Saxons express their cultures through wonderful literature such as Beowulf, which is a record of heroic deeds. The Anglo Saxon society believes in great men such as Beowulf that have good morals and exemplify devotion to their country. Beowulf derives its main plot from folk tales; and as W. P. Ker has said, â€Å" it is difficult to give individuality or epic dignity to commonplaces of this sort (Bloom 14). The author of Beowulf recognized the obligation of giving his hero emotional and ethical value through association with events the Anglo Saxon people would recognize as hero-like. It was not enough that Beowulf should display unequaled strength and courage in his victories over gargantuan monsters but the value of these exploits must be enhanced by Beowulf’s deep and emotionally justified concern for those he fought (Bloom 14). The physical power of Beowulf does not give him the moral dimensions and the title of an epic hero. The loyalty and unselfishness Beowulf displays makes him the ultimate Anglo Saxon hero and the great epic of Beowulf will never be forgotten because there is no greater idol than Beowulf. Anglo Saxon Culture as Reflected in Beowulf Cultures usually have distinct figures that reflect their culture as a whole. The importance of religion, values, and heroes are reflected a great deal in the epic poem of Beowulf accurately showing the Anglo Saxon culture as a whole. Men dominated the Anglo Saxon society and the people loved a great hero like that of Beowulf. They believed a hero should be a keeper of his promises, be boastful and produce great physical strength. Also Beowulf was an outstanding fighter and loyal to everyone he met. He believed no one was greater than anyone else; Beowulf showed great respect even to his enemies by fighting them one on one (â€Å"Anglo Saxons†48). Even when Beowulf knows fate is against him and he is going to die; he continues to keep fighting; â€Å"†¦No prince so mild, no man so open to his people, so deserving of praise†(Beowulf 60). Beowulf’s boastful self-confidence, his overpowering strength, and his victories in battle make him a classic legendary hero and a model for the Anglo Saxon culture. A very important element in the society of the Anglo Saxons was the mead hall. The mead hall was essentially a meeting place for dinners, story telling and the party for victories (Bjork 89). The mead hall symbolizes security, fellowship, and all that is good in the world (Bjork 90). The mead hall was thought to be the safest place in the entire Kingdom. In Beowulf the mead hall was described as â€Å"the foremost of halls under heaven†(Orchard 77). This mead hall was called Herot serving as a palace for King Hrothgar. This is where Beowulf dismantled Grendel in an epic battle. Beowulf preferred to fight with his bare hands. The typical Anglo Saxon warrior was not blessed with the great talents Beowulf was blessed with so they used various weapons like: the spear, sword, shield, seaxe, and bow and sling. The spear was the most common weapon of choice and could be used as a missile or used in hand-to-hand combat. The sword was not a common weapon used at all because it was very expensive to produce. The sword was usually given to a great warrior who has demonstrated courageous acts in battle. All warriors had a shield that was made of wood and usually lined together by metal. A seaxe was a single bladed knife that was carried on the belt on the warrior and was used more as a tool than an actual weapon (Beowulf 112-113). Anglo-Saxons valued religion very highly. There is much controversy over Beowulf in dealing with pagan and Christian beliefs because historians believe both were integrated although Christianity seems to be more prevalent. Religion was the center of people’s life at this time and is demonstrated in Beowulf when Beowulf calling for God exclaims †¦ â€Å"the almighty the maker of the earth†. Up until the 6th century it is back and forth between Christianity and Paganism. The greatest sources of information on the pagan period of religion are from the 7th to 8th century testimonies, such as Beowulf (Orchard 25). Paganism dealt with the worshiping of many gods. The celebration of glory has such emphasis in Beowulf because human praise is the highest goal of the pagan characters. Anglo Saxon warriors wore helmets for battle with a pagan god on them named Freyr. Those who grew up praying to Thor to protect them with their shield and helmet before they went to battle were involved in the pagan religion (Orchard 33). Paganism seemed to be the religion of choice for many Anglo- Saxon warriors while Christianity did not evolve as quick in warriors (â€Å"Saxons Culture†). Margaret E. Goldsmith who wrote â€Å"The Christian Theme of Beowulf†exclaimed the teaching of St. Augustine and St. Gregory are incorporated in Hrothgar’s sermon. Goldsmith said Beowulf was sort of a Christian historical novel, with selected bits of paganism purposely laid on as â€Å"local color†such as the references to fate or Wyrd (Bloom 127). All considered Beowulf shows religion, expresses values of everyday life and explains what a true hero in all about in Anglo Saxon times. The Anglo Saxons express their cultures through wonderful literature such as Beowulf, which is a record of heroic deeds. The Anglo Saxon society believes in great men such as Beowulf that have good morals and exemplify devotion to their country. Beowulf derives its main plot from folk tales; and as W. P. Ker has said, â€Å" it is difficult to give individuality or epic dignity to commonplaces of this sort (Bloom 14). The author of Beowulf recognized the obligation of giving his hero emotional and ethical value through association with events the Anglo Saxon people would recognize as hero-like. It was not enough that Beowulf should display unequaled strength and courage in his victories over gargantuan monsters but the value of these exploits must be enhanced by Beowulf’s deep and emotionally justified concern for those he fought (Bloom 14). The physical power of Beowulf does not give him the moral dimensions and the title of an epic hero. The loyalty and unselfishness Beowulf displays makes him the ultimate Anglo Saxon hero and the great epic of Beowulf will never be forgotten because there is no greater idol than Beowulf.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Analysis of Jack Sheltons Im Just a Bill Assignment
Analysis of Jack Sheltons Im Just a Bill - Assignment Example There needs to be a strong majority on certain bills before the bills can go to the White House to be signed by the president, and become law. There needs to be a majority in both houses before the bill can go to the White House to be signed into law by the president. â€Å"I’m Just a Bill†did not inform viewers of the time it would take for a bill to go from a thought to a bill, to become a law. Sometimes, Congress votes on a bill because of its urgency. Some bills are less important to national security and the safety of Americans. â€Å"I’m Just a Bill†did not inform viewers it could take less than 30 days for a bill to pass through Congress. Sometimes, like with the United States of America Patriot Act Congress put all other bills on hold, and passed the United States of America Patriot Act within 30 days of September 11, 2001. â€Å"I’m Just a Bill†says it takes months, and years for Congress to debate over a bill. Congress has a rule that all bills introduced during one session of Congress need to be voted on before the end of that session. Congress does not allow bills to sit around from session to session. If someone watches â€Å"I’m Just a Bill†this person is led on to think that it takes more than several months for a bill to go from a thought, to a bill and to law. If someone watches â€Å"I’m Just a Bill†this person may think it could take years for a bill to be discussed in Congress. Question Number Two When Saunders, Abramowitz, and Williamson discussed the level of sophistication as it pertains to the study of voters from 1996 the data in the table appears to prove the hypothesis by Saunders, Abramowitz, and Williamson. However, Saunders, Abramowitz, and Williamson received the data for the table using data from the voting machines. The data in the table; therefore would be inconclusive. Every district has a socioeconomic status. The voting machines can count mixed ticket s; therefore the data reflects the number of mixed tickets was cast in the 1996 election. However, some sophisticated voters may live in underprivileged areas such as an urban area.Â
Monday, October 7, 2019
Strategic Management of Mango Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Strategic Management of Mango - Essay Example The company has recently introduced two new product lines, an initiative that is consistent with the company’s innovative image. Through these new product lines, the company is hoped to triumph the marketplace. Mango is a company that is characterised by strong corporate values and beliefs. These values and beliefs, translated in the company’s corporate strategy have been instrumental in the company’s effort to fight off competition and to ensure its survivability in tremendous economic crisis. The company in its years of operation has been able to develop effective communication systems and business processes. The company has used the rapidly evolving technology to its advantage by adopting these technological advancements in its business processes. Although the company is in a far better position than its competitors, but some of its biggest rivals like ZARA have successfully managed to build a business model that has allowed it to be highly responsive to its e nvironment, along with nimble and flexible operational design. These capabilities of ZARA have made it the market leader of this industry, but Mango, in no ways can be classified as a company which is far behind its market leader. The company has a very efficient logistics system that is augmenting its strong suppliers and distributions network. The company uses its own stores and franchises to reach out to its customers; however, recently the company has started using its website to further penetrate into the online market. The company has also launched two new product lines, one targeting men and the other targeting VIPs. These new product lines along with a mature product line of female wear are presumed to generate the future profitability of the company. Advantages of the Business Model of Mango: The most important aspects of the company’s business model have been its logistics system. This system has proved to be a defining point for the company. This logistics system h as helped the company to deliver its finished goods from production centres to distribution centres in 4 days. Even though this is not better than ZARA’s four day delivery system but still it is very close to the best practice of the industry leader. The company has a strong network of professionals, who are working very hard to anticipate the future of the company’s market. Other than this the training methods of the company for the point of sale employees has been very effective in creating customer loyalty. Mango has been very effective when it comes to managing its relationship with its suppliers, who are spread across the globe. The systems in place have been very helpful in integrating the value chain of Mango with its suppliers and other channel partners. The most important reason for company’s success has been its ability to take innovative initiatives. Recently the company has initiated a method through which it would cut out its distribution activity f rom its value chain. In this initiative the manufactured products would be directly sent to the company’s selling points without going to the distribution centres, this means that these finished products would leave directly from the manufacturers’ factory to the stores. This will enable the company to implement its cost cutting strategy with greater
Sunday, October 6, 2019
HSBC as a Financial Service Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
HSBC as a Financial Service - Assignment Example They also are a provider of a large number of financial services to a large number of customers. These services include Commercial banking, Personal Financial Services, Private Banking and Global Banking and Markets (HSBC, 2010). Lloyd’s is one of the well known and trusted financial institutions. It has grown over the years to become one of the globally recognized and prominent figures in Dow Jones index and FTSE 100. It has been one of the greatest British institutions that have developed itself into the global business. The rating agencies have recognized the organization by providing the securities high rates that shows that the firm has been performing well (Lloyd’s, 2010). Marketing of the financial services has been one of the recent phenomena even in the developed nations of the world. The financial service sector has not been subjected to the market pressure in an attempt to survive and prosper. This sector has operated in the benign market environment in most of the countries and has been managed and controlled by the state itself. The government has helped in the development of the new products as well as in the promotional activities. The strategic marketing planning helps to set the direction for the medium to long-term. In order to complement the strategic marketing plan, it would be best for the companies to have an annual marketing plan in order to achieve the short term marketing objectives (Ennew & Waite, 2007). The main strategy of the HSBC Bank has been to build its position as the leader in the international as well as the emerging markets. It tries to pay the employees according to their performances that include market-based pay. The bank has a transparent structure that is based on the separately capitalized subsidiaries. It also takes a conservative approach to the liquidity management and has developed its business in such a way that helps to provide diversified and broad global services.
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