Monday, September 30, 2019
Steel Structure
Most structural steel failures happen at connections†¦. where a beam connects to a column, where a joist connects to a beam, where a hanging rod connects to a beam (the Kansas City Hyatt discussed above). The Structural Engineer must design the design the steel members and give guidelines for the connections. Many people in the Construction Industry don't understand, though, that the Structural Engineer rarely designs the connections. Why is that?Historically, the Steel Fabricators developed many different ways to make connections. What one Fabricator did in his shop economically might have been quite an expensive way to do it in a competitor's Fabrication Shop. So the practice developed that the Structural Engineer would size the members, but the Steel Fabricators would design the connections, which the Structural Engineer should then review and approve. If you think that seems like a complicated system prone to error, you'd be correct.But that is the system we generally have i n American construction. So the Construction Supervisor should know something about steel connections and have an idea if they are being installed correctly. A bit of background in Basic Structural Design is helpful, but the main thing to understand is the concept of pin connections versus fixed connections. A beam bolted to a column with clip angles along the beam web likely creates a pin connection.This means that the beam shouldn't be able to move up or down, nor in or out, but it can rotate a bit. A steel column bolted to a concrete pier with four anchor bolts also typically creates a pin connection. Again the steel column won't go up, down or sideways, but it may be able to rotate a bit. The fixed connection must stop that ability to rotate. So for a beam to have a fixed connection to a column, along with clip angles, there may be a plate on the top and bottom flanges of the beam that gets welded to the column.With all that welding, the beam can no longer rotate. If a steel col umn is buried four feet deep in a concrete pier, it also would not be rotating at the point that it exits from the concrete. So those are a couple of ways to create fixed (or moment resisting) connections. The Construction Supervisor should be aware if any fixed (or moment resisting) connections are required and understand how they are to be made. Just asking the questions increases the likelihood of a successful project.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Henrietta Lacks
The characters from the book, â€Å"The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks†become attached to objects that are meaningful to them. It is noticed that a certain object had a significant meaning by analyzing the scene and the character. Dr. Geys assistant, Mary described Henrietta Lacks red nail polish on her toes. She described Henrietta being an actual woman, something Mary never thought of. Henrietta’s relatives described Henrietta with her red nail polish. The red nail polish was a meaningful object to Henrietta because it completed her. Dr.Gey was attached to Hela cells once he made the incredible observation. He didn't experiment for money, he genuinely did it for science. He sent the Hela cells for other scientists to experience the cells for themselves. He changed science for his genuine passion for it. Perhaps the most interesting character, Deborah Lacks, was attached to a few things. While Deborah was with Rebecca, she showed her the contents in her purse. She c arried everything she had about her mother with her. There were videotapes, documentaries, articles, and a few birthday cards that Deborah bought for her mother, Henrietta.Deborah was attached to these items because that was all she knew about her mother. In a way, that was how she felt connected to Henrietta. A few days later when Rebecca was with Deborah, Rebecca noticed a folder on her pillow. They were Henrietta's medical folders. Deborah wouldn't let Rebecca touch her mothers medical folder. Unlike all the other items Deborah let Rebecca see, Henrietta's medical folder was different. And it clearly had a different, more significant meaning than the other items. Henrietta Lacks Henrietta Lacks Cells taken from a young African American woman in 1951 helped scientists cure polio. Cells from the same woman contributed to scientific advantages in cancer, gene mapping, and even the atom bomb. The mother of five did not life to know her cells had such importance. She never knew, in fact, that they were being harvested. Today’s medical advances are based on practices that people now consider unethical, whereas back when Henrietta live, they did not even think twice about ethics. Henrietta Lacks did not know the cells taken from her could possibly be used to develop a multimillion-dollar medical industry.In an even crueler twist of fate, her descendants lived in poverty without access to affordable health care. The book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot, tells the story of a women, Henrietta Lacks, and her family. Ms. Lacks was treated for cervical cancer at John’s Hopkins Hospital in 1951. Her malignant cervical cells were harves ted and distributed to become the first â€Å"immortal†cell line widely used for scientific research, including their use in the development of the polio vaccine. The story tells what happened after Ms.Lacks’ death to her family, a poor African American family living in Maryland. A family who, today, would be considered poor. The story brings up key ethical issues of biomedical research, which were evolving during that era (Skloot, Rebecca). Henrietta Lacks died of an aggressive cervical cancer that invaded virtually her entire body in 1951. A common practice at the time, samples of cancer cells were taken for study. Some cells were taken by a researcher who was attempting to develop immortal cell lines for scientific purposes.In the 1950’s, the practice of taking routine tissue samples without consent from patients was not uncommon, and anonymising the source wasn’t a main concern. HeLa cells and the concerns that surrounded them touched on several issu es in medicine. One was the issue of using tissue samples without consulting patients, many of whom would freely donate if asked. Changes in how such samples are taken and handled, and in the processes used to collect consent, have improved the use of informed consent in research.Patients submitting biopsies for diagnostic purposes, for example, might be asked if they are willing to donate cells to research (Smith, S. E. ). if a doctor wanted to diagnose, treat, experiment or keep body parts, that’s what he did. Patients never questioned doctors they were trusted implicitly. Consent was conferred by the simple step of showing up in a doctor’s office. Today, we know we need to understand and ask questions, and then our consent is necessary legally. Further, we understand the importance of withholding consent until we feel fully informed about the benefits and consequences of what that consent will mean.There were not conformed consent laws until recently. Informed conse nt is more than simply getting a patient to sign a written consent form. It is a process on communication between a patient and physician that results in the patients’ authorization or agreement to undergo a specific medical intervention (Informed Consent). Since everyone has different preferences, there will always be differences in the treatment of care among people. This becomes a problem when physicians have a bias against certain races and ethics.As a physician, all treatment options should be discussed and equally available to patients, regardless of their race or ethnicity which results in informed consent on the patients’ behalf. There was a lack of respect, or an inability to communicate, in both directions, between blacks and doctors back in the 1850’s. Skin color, and the problems that can result from low income, lack of education, and illiteracy; the inability to read, and/or understand the English language also contributed to the mistreatment of bla cks.Patients overcome those challenges by finding a respectful doctor, or a supporter to help the,. Back when Henrietta lived, that was not easy to fins. Differences in healthcare outcomes can result from the history of different races too. Henrietta was treated with radiation, which left her body burned and blackened. She and her family asked themselves many times whether the treatment was really helping her – but they never considered asking the doctor to do something different, make a different recommendation, or even just to stop. Skloot, Rebecca) today, empowered patients know that they can insert themselves into all decision-making about their own medical care. They can and should discuss any and all protocols to make decisions as part of their own healthcare team. And, empowered patients know that if they want to, they can say, â€Å"No. †In conclusion, informed consent was not needed when Henrietta lived; therefore scientists took her cells without her knowing . A doctor did what HE wanted to do. But today, we now know that consent is legality.Any treatments should be discussed with the patient regardless of their race or their illness. Henrietta was mistreated, her body was burned, but her and her family did not want to question the doctor in fear or being looked down on. But today patients know that they have the right to know exactly what is being done to them, and can ask any questions they feel necessary. If it were not for the doctors and scientists that had taken Henrietta’s cells, we today, would not have the advancements in healthcare that we do. Henrietta Lacks The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Introduction The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is written by Rebecca Skloot, who is an award winning science writer. The story is of a young black women, Henrietta Lacks, who was diagnosed with cancer in 1951, at the John Hopkins Hospital. Cells were taken from her body during her examinations, without her knowledge. They were used to develop the first immortal cell line. Her cells became very important for the development of vaccines. Her family, however, has not received any benefit and still cannot even afford health insurance.They do not even know that the cells belong to Henrietta. This has raised many ethical questions on the research that has been done using Henrietta's cells. Discussion Henrietta's life had not been an easy one. Long before she got ill with cancer; her father abandoned her in childhood. She was married at a very early age. At the age of 14; she was a mother. She then moved to the Turner Station with her husband, who was not so faithful to her. At Turner Station, she and her family faced a life of segregation and poverty. Despite all the difficulties that she faced in her life, she still remained an enthusiastic person.She had a spirit that was not able to break. She was described by her friends as a person having a cheerful disposition. She was an also a person who was quick to laugh. She would also go out dancing with her cousin Sadie. The most important and strong side of Henrietta was her motherhood. Her cousin, Sadie also suspected that she delayed seeking medical attention, because she was afraid that it might affect her fertility and prevent her from having more children. She was extremely heart broken when she realized that the surgery has made her infertile.She was angry and sad at the fact that the doctors did not tell her beforehand that what the surgery would do to her. When her condition worsened, the doctors told her husband not to bring her children to visit her. This made her even m ore heart broken and devastated. She and her family, especially her children, led a very difficult life. Even after her death, her family and her children were not told about the cells of Henrietta being used in research. They were not given nay benefit, whatsoever, of the research on her cells and the huge mounts of money generated from it. The Lacks family is so poor even now that they cannot afford even life insurance. Henrietta's daughter, Deborah, did not know anything at all about the importance and the use of her mother's cells. She was devastated to learn about the cells of her mother. She was filled with many questions that nobody was able to answer. She was curious to know that if her mother's cells were so important and have helped medical science so much. Why were her children not even able to afford health insurance for themselves?Henrietta was a very sociable person. She would have allowed the John Hopkins institute to carry out research on her cells. She was a person who was very close to her family. She would have wanted the John Hopkins Institute to take care of her family and children if they used her cells. She would never have wanted her family to be treated the way they were treated back then and even now. Conclusion Henrietta was a very strong woman. Her contribution to medical science has been exceptional. However, her family should also have been given benefits. Henrietta Lacks Racist Experiments Racism is immortal just like Henrietta’s cells it will always be around. People would do anything to be the first to discover something. At the end of the day it’s all about the money. The Mississippi appendectomies and the Tuskegee experiments were similar in the way that the government forced treatment upon minorities without consent. Henrietta’s case was different than Mississippi and Tuskegee because the doctor in Johns Hopkins didn’t experiment on her actual body but on her cells without consent.Henrietta’s case the Tuskegee experiments and the Mississippi Appendectomies are all different cases in different locations but serve the same purpose which is to take advantage of poor and uneducated minorities to further medical research. The Tuskegee Experiments and the Mississippi Appendectomies were both horrible cases and dealt with lots of racism and ignorance towards people who didn’t know any better. The purpose of The Tuskegee experiments was to see how syphilis affected blacks as opposed to whites.The treatment was to basically come in get injected with syphilis if you didn’t already have and the doctors would watch how you die. The people in these experiments were poor and uneducated black males who were coned into giving their life away. The doctors in this experiment lured the test subjects in the saying they were getting treated for â€Å"Bad Blood†. These racist and disturbing experiments lasted for 40 years between 1932-1972.The purpose of the Mississippi Appendectomies was to sterilize America of bad genes meaning anyone women who was mentally challenge, a criminal, Black, Alcoholic, etc†¦ would get sterilized so they couldn’t reproduce anymore. Doctors figured that in order to stop mentally challenged blacks alcoholics etc†¦ from walking this earth is to sterilize them and make sure their genes don’t flow in the gene pool. The treatment for these ap pendectomies was horrible it was just blacks that were treated it also Indians and poor whites.The test subjects were all sterilized against their will and without their knowing. These appendectomies were racist and cruel. More than half of the women in Mississippi were sterilized. These treatments lasted for about 33 years between 1930s and 1963. Henrietta Lacks case was different than Mississippi and Tuskegee in some ways. In Henrietta’s case the doctors took her cells from her cervix but like in the Mississippi and Tuskegee cases they took them without Henrietta’s permission and launched a multimillion-dollar medical industry after she died.The purpose of taking Henrietta’s cells was to just run a couple tests until they died but they ended up living and growing. Instead of telling Henrietta and her family what they have been doing the doctors kept the discovery to themselves. When the discovery of the immortal cells because known every doctor got their hands on them and started running experiments on them, sending the cells to space, running test on the cells to find a cure to aids and cervical cancer etc†¦Racism wasn’t far from this case the doctor in Henrietta’s case figured that telling her what they were doing would only confuse her and her family even more so they just figure to not tell her or her family at all. This case started in 1951 and the research on the cells still goes on till the present. Racism hovers of this country and is always in the backs of everyone’s minds. Henrietta’s case the Tuskegee experiments and the Mississippi Appendectomies are all different cases in different locations but serve the same purpose which is to take advantage of poor and uneducated minorities to further medical research.In Tuskegee doctors took advantage of uneducated black males to find an answer to a question. The Mississippi appendectomies sterilized innocent uneducated and poor females because the gover nment was trying to wipe out â€Å"bad â€Å"genes†and in the Henrietta lacks case doctors took her cells without consent, found out they were immortal and launched and multimillion-dollar medical industry. In the end it is indeed all about the money.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Seeking Acceptance to MBA Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Seeking Acceptance to MBA Program - Essay Example I come from an entrepreneurial family, in [city name goes here], India. My father owns and operates four manufacturing companies; I would like to use the skills I acquire through your MBA program to help my father compete globally and increase the success and scope of his businesses. My wife also has created and grown a number of businesses here in India, and I currently advise her on growth opportunities. An MBA education would allow me to further expand the types of expertise I give for her business endeavors. My own ventures have been filled with great accomplishment. Professionally, my current assignment involves creating a unified business process to consolidate 17 operating systems into one system for ASB Bank, one of the Australian region's largest financial institutions. This has been a gratifying undertaking, not only for the progress made under my tutelage but also for the exposure it has given me to the Kiwi culture in New Zealand. Additionally, I have established the Indian subsidiary and served as chief technology officer and director of operations for Spokane, Wash.-based Magnetic North. I made and executed strategic decisions for the company, developed and managed vendors, evaluated business plans, proposals and potential partners, among numerous other tasks. Before that, I was a consultant for Setu Software. This was an opportunity that brought me to Boston, Mass., and the chance to manage a staff of up to 18 workers, many of them older and more experienced than myself. After more than two years there, my entrepreneurial zeal drove me to start my own business, Amps Consulting, for technical consulting and projects. A recessionary economy and reduced capital spending, though, forced me to close the business after eight and a half months. Despite the setback with that particular business, I remain energetic, passionate, and motivated to set the world on fire with my next start-up. I have the ideas in particular that I wish to incubate into reality: 1. I want to develop a dynamic, open, wireless MICRO-NETS platform and the accompanying protocols, tools, and services. This ambition already is on solid footing; in 2004, I submitted a business plan for the venture to the Indian Institute of Technology, and advanced to that competition's final phase in the technology category. 2. I want to further develop my eDecisions/eStrategy/eManagement methodology, which is a framework for electronically making complex and far-ranging strategic decisions for large business enterprises. 3. I want to establish an online of business of producing specialized, customized T-shirts. Manufacturing would be done in China, while technology, operations, and customer support would be done in India. I foresee a global market for this product line. Although the T-shirt business may be considered overdone as a concept, I believe that I have developed a unique idea, and one that has incredible potential for growth and profit. As you can see, my experiences, my entrepreneurial spirit, my leadership potential, and the global perspective I possess position me perfectly as a successful participant in your MBA program. I have the ideas and the passion, but it is the experience I would gain through your program that will help
Friday, September 27, 2019
Augustines Tribute to his Mother Monica Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Augustines Tribute to his Mother Monica - Essay Example Augustine commented later in his life that, "to her merit, I think, I owe everything that is best in me. (Bonner, p.38) Monica has been raised in a Christian family with the traditional customs of the African Church. She was not, however, given a formal education. She was married to Patricius, who was not a Christian. And, as with her son, she prayed continually for her husband, and waited in silence, so that at "the end of his earthly existence" he converted to God. (Bourke, p.148) Monica's strict teachings about sin and faith inflicted a tormenting burden on her son rather than supplying inner peace. His Confessions witnesses to the painful struggle of faith that such an education promoted. However, Augustine never mentions his mother in any negative way. The commitment and love of Monica is valued as the basis of Augustine's faith. The simple teaching and model of Christianity, given to him in his youth would last a lifetime. Nevertheless, Monica's direct influence on her son continued only until he was shaken as a result of his intellectual experience through books. (Brown, p.31) Monica is more than just a doting housewife; rather, she is a "handmaid of God" whose pious living, prayer, and visionary zeal bring Augustine to a spiritual birth in his conversion. Monica belonged to Numidian society where culture provides no status to women and they play only a submissive role despite all their positivity and diligence. They were vulnerable to men's violence in routine. It was surprising for other women that Monica didn't have any scars or other signs of her husband's violence on her face or body. She explained them that her husband was also very strict but for past many years she had adopted the policy of silence and quiet obedience and finally been able to strengthen bond of love with her children by being submissive to her husband and gradually succeeded to convert them according to her will (Hunter, p. 63-85). This conventional thought of marriage was then inherited by Augustine also and he believed the relation of husband and wife sort of master and slave wh ich worsened women's status in the society. He even justifies men for practicing violence over their wives. According to him the sole purpose of marriages was procreation. (Stark, p. 57-58) Monica Compared with Rebekah of Genesis Rebekah is a godly character from Genesis, and possesses all the attributes of sacred women but if we analyze her character and compare it with that of Monica; we realize that she was not as submissive to her husband as Monica. She had lot of patience and was powerful enough to decide when to bow down before the husband's will and when to resist. She believed that as a Godly woman it was her duty to realize weaknesses of her husband and must pray to god to overcome them in addition to her own efforts. She also seems to be bold enough to face her husband as she motivated her son Jacob to go against his father. Whereas, having no ifs and buts, Monica was evidently submissive to her
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Returns to an Asset Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Returns to an Asset - Essay Example Having knowledge of the statistical properties also makes it easier to evaluate the efficiency of the financial assets. The financial assets are then modelled for better knowledge of the returns. Background to the Data Sample There are many concepts that are adopted in the finance to make the concept of finance management more clear. Some of the concepts are considered to the appropriate for other branches and some are altered to suite the financial setup. Interest is considered as one of the fundamental concepts incorporated in finance and related organizations. Interest is termed as the fixed profit over an investment in a particular time frame. Mostly, it is calculated in terms of percentage, like if a person invests ?100 and the rate of interest is 5% in a year, the organization that deposited the amount will have to pay ?105 in a year (Wang, Lecture 1, n.d.,). Sometimes the rate of interest is divided into monthly basis like if the interest rate of 5% is divided into monthly ins talments, the person that deposited the sum will be given 0.4% per month. Interest has two types; compound interest and simple interest. The simple interest is only applied to the original amount. Like if a person deposited ?100 in bank at the rate of 5% simple interest annually, he will be given interest on ?100 every year. The compound interest in applied on the original amount plus the interest amount. ... The probability of 1 is about 1/6, as the die has six sides. The probability of each side is 1/6. On the other hand, the coin has two sides and if it is tossed ones, the probability of each side is ?. Thus, it can be said that the probability of a certain event remains between 0 and 1. The probability depicts the risk factor (Wang, Lecture 2, n.d.,). Discrete returns are liked most due to the fact that the calculation based on the discrete returns is simpler and the rate of profit represents the real profit. There is less formulation required to evaluate the discrete returns. For example, Mr. X buy a stock share for ?10, the very next day, he wanted to sell the share and sold it in ?11. Thus the profit, he attained while selling the stock share is about ?1, which is about 10% of the ?10 or original investment. On the other hand, the logarithmic value of the whole scenario give the percentage profit of about 9.53%, which is less than the original profit. Thus, the discrete returns hav e remained to be correct in the given scenario but the log returns proved to be incorrect. Log returns are regarded as to be most likely to generate statistical information and thus, the financial modellers like the concept of the log returns. It shows the statistical information for some period of time and thus the financial efficiency of the financial asset can be modelled. It creates an approximation of the true value of the financial asset. The log normal distribution creates a financial value over a period of time regarding the total financial asset. Log normal distributions do not generate a negative value. The two images above show the difference between the Normal Density and Log normal density. Value at Risk (VAR) Value at risk is a Statistical
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Response to at least 3 students assignment posting separately (80 Coursework
Response to at least 3 students assignment posting separately (80 words each) with at least 2 references - Coursework Example Health records are sensitive information yet are vital in the effective treatment of patients. A national HER system would greatly increase efficiency as well as provide vital information e.g. chronic conditions or allergies that make some procedures unsuitable for some patients during medical emergencies (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2012). The issue of security and privacy can be easily addressed by the federal government having central servers and records being accessed only by ascertained health practitioners with proper security credentials allowing them access to the records (Gunter and Terry, 2005). The example of using technology to address issues of air quality is a perfect example of technology being used to enhance policy implementation (Shafie, 2008). At the same time, hierarchical agency compliance is promoted as information sharing from the federal, state and local agencies moves quickly and efficiently. In addition to that, the people affected by the policies and its outcomes can share information among themselves and the agencies thus giving much needed feedback and suggestions for improvement of service delivery (AirNow, 2012). Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2012). EHR incentive programs. Available from: html?redirect=/EHRIncentivePrograms/ 30_Meaningful_Use.asp Shafie, D. M. (2008). â€Å"Participation in E-rulemaking: Interest groups and the standard-setting process for hazardous air pollutants.†Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 5(4), 399-410.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Midterm Report Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Midterm Report - Term Paper Example However, the actual writing process enabled me to encounter, firsthand, the challenges entailed and how to address them. This is the case particularly in the context of my abilities and resources. To put it another way, the theories that the source texts and lectures provide are general concepts. Their actual application in my case - has given me interesting and valuable insights because it is contextualized to my own capabilities and resources. Another important skill that I was able to develop was the ability to design and adhere to a method or a system to complete specific writing tasks. Personally, it is challenging for me to focus on a particular element in the process so it is easy to be lost or digress. For instance, I used to write according to the flow of my thoughts. Often, this leads to redundant or unnecessary contents that I am forced to edit out. In this respect, I came to recognize the importance of outline and structure, which according to Riordan (2013), is crucial in helping the reader grasp the information provided (p.14). The same can be said in the area of teamwork. In group activities and research, there is an imperative for a roadmap that details roles, relationships and outcomes so that each member contributes meaningfully to the achievement of objectives. In the course of writing this progress report, I came to realize that there are still areas which I need to improve on. I noticed, for instance, that I still find it challenging to differentiate technical writing from other forms of writing that I am used to such as the essay format, which requires personal inputs and opinion. Sometimes, it is inevitable for me to include a comment on cited information. I have identified a way to address this problem. Aside from the familiarization of the rules in technical writing, it is important for me to think about
Monday, September 23, 2019
New HIPAA Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
New HIPAA - Term Paper Example It is codified under Part 160 and subsections C, D and E of the Act document. Negligence and ignorance towards privacy and security standards under the HIPAA act accounts to civil penalty coming under general category and amounts to fines of up to $ 25K for all violations within a year. In case of willful negligence and wrongful misuse of patient’s healthcare information, it is considered as a criminal offense under HIPAA and both fines and imprisonment apply. The fine can reach up to the limit of $ 250 K and imprisonment of maximum 10 years or both (McGraw Hill n.d). HIPAA generates awareness amongst healthcare consumers regarding the safety of their private and confidential information and knowing about who is handling that information. With fast paced technological advancement in medical field, use of patient’s private information can be made in medical research, reproductive rights or developing any new medicine or treatment. In this regard, HIPAA mandates both the practitioners and patients of the importance of the healthcare information and its
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Global consumer or Local consumer Essay Example for Free
Global consumer or Local consumer Essay Global consumer or Local consumer: Whenever the concept of Glo-cal comes into discussion the punch line of The Hong Kong Shanghai Bank comes into the mind which is â€Å"the world’s local bank†. Mooij in 2004 conducted a study to understand â€Å"Can consumers be differentiated as global and local consumers? If so then how are they identified? Global advertisement targeting global customer should have universal values to be successful. Because of this even Saatchi Saatchi, the advertising agency that was first to embrace the concept of global advertising, changed their opinion. Kevin Roberts, CEO worldwide of Saatchi Saatchi, stated in 2002: â€Å"Anyone who wants to go global has to understand the local – their own local and the locals of all their customers. People live in the local. I’ve never met a global consumer. I never expect to. We define ourselves by our differences. It’s called identity- self, family, and nation. †Global standardization of product or communication will not be helpful as the markets differ in their structures and socio-cultural frameworks. Consumer values and the advertisement values should be comparable when any offering is made. Douglas Daft, Coca-Cola’s CEO, stated in 2000: â€Å"People don’t buy drinks globally. †In the year 2000 the Coca-Cola Company, which had until then been the prototype of a global advertiser, decided to get closer to local markets because of declining profitability. Coca-Cola’s CEO Douglas Daft was quoted in the Financial Times, â€Å"We kept standardizing our practices, while local sensitivity had become absolutely essential to success. †According to Daft, the general direction is away from global advertising. â€Å"We need to make our advertising as relevant as possible to the local market. †As the sociologist-anthropologist David Howes says, â€Å"The assumption that goods like Coca-Cola on entering a culture will retain and communicate the values they are accorded by their culture of origin must be questioned. Often these goods are transformed in accordance with the values of the receiving culture. †(Mooij and Marieke K. de, 2004, p. 16) The global customer remains within the minds of the marketer while he serves local consumer even if his operations are global. As indicated by the work of various researchers it is clear that companies working globally actually serve the local customer and function â€Å"globally†. For the global success of any organization it needs to understand the local culture and preferences and design its business strategies around that. Conceptual Framework for Special Occasion Packaging Literature review has provided understanding of various concepts like packaging, culture, special occasion, gift packaging and many others. In the literature review there is clear indications of the interdependence of various demographic factors to the cultural and packaging variables. Individuals gender, age and ethnic background may be important factor of his/her culture and this will have influence on the way they make choices. Special occasions can be as personal as birthday to someone and can be a socio-cultural activity like Christmas. During the festival season what are the attributes of packaging which influence consumers, whether or not these attributes are related to the demographic profile of the consumer. How consumer would like to gift someone in terms of packaging and presentation of it. Packaging being an important aspect of the marketing mix it is crucial for marketer to understand the impact of packaging on the consumer especially when they are doing purchase for someone else as a gift. Packaging during special occasions can be characterized by the use of bright and attractive Colours, various shapes and styles, size, text and graphics materials. Packaging is important during festival season to the consumer as well as the marketer. Consumer wants to have special shopping for his near and dear ones where as marketer tries to utilize this opportunity to serve the consumer profitably. This study is an effort to understand the role of demographic profile and packaging attributes in the decision making of consumer during the festival seasons or special occasions. This investigation will enable managers to understand various aspects of packaging aesthetics and how products packaging can be designed keeping in mind these aesthetics in order to make delightful consumer experience within the marketplace Culture indicates the group norms within a society. People deviating from that group norm face the punishment of the group. Hence it is very different to bring a change within a night in the cultural sphere of an individual rather it would be easier to understand the culture and changing business strategies according to that. There has been constant change in the cultural set ups of various society. Worldwide the family influence is declining. The time with people is less as compared to what it used to even few decades back. People have less time for in – house, spouse or parent – child influence. The divorce rates are increasing and the numbers of living relationships are increasing. The marriage age is growing day by day and the age people attain parenthood has also changed. Most of the family is nuclear now. The level of religious influence is also changing. The educational institutions and the teaching methodologies, syllabus everything has changed from the past and has strong influence on the culture and society. Culture is being inculcated through family, religion and schools. It rewards socially gratifying responses and the person who adheres to the norms of culture. Culture is an adaptive concept. There are various factors which are being influenced by culture. These are as follows: †¢ Individual’s sense of self and space †¢ Communication and language within the society and outer world. †¢ Mental processes and learning. †¢ Work habits and practices †¢ Dress and appearance of an individual †¢ Food and feeding habits has changed due to changes in lifestyle and globalization. †¢ Less Time is available for each task and people have become time consciousness †¢ Equations of Relationships have changed. †¢ Values and norms are continuously changing within a society. †¢ Beliefs and attitudes get influenced by culture. Consumer behaviour Consumer is a king. This is the reason various companies are trying to serve their consumer in the best way they can. The markets are different worldwide. On one hand marketer has markets like UK and US which are matured one where innovation and holding the market share is important as competitions is real too tough. On the other hand markets like China and India are growing with their growing population and their needs. These markets required consistent effort to increase market share of the marketer. It becomes crucial for the marketer to understand consumer behaviour to offer the best solution to their needs and maintain or increase their customer base. She knew she was paying more per apple than if shed got them from the market stall or the corner grocers. She got four MS apples for the price of five, six or seven elsewhere but the MS variety were high-quality, washed and came in plastic, protective packaging, not a brown paper bag. (BLACKHURST 2004) Figure II. 3: Impact of Culture on Different Variables Individual Differences: Each individual differ with other in the resources s/he has. These consumer Resources are time, money, information reception and processing capabilities. Consumers come from different socio-economic backgrounds. The level of education they have and knowledge also differs from consumer to consumer. Throughout his life he develops attitudes towards things in his life. The factors which can motivate a person differ from person to person based on his background, age, family structure and so on. The personality of an individual customer, value system and lifestyle makes difference in his buying behaviour and information search process. Environmental Influences Any individual lives in a society where various external factors impact him. The government policies, sociological structures, culture, social class or status, personal influence, power it enjoys within the society, family and particular situation in his life has influence on his buying behaviour. Psychological Processes The psychological process is very important to understand consumer behaviour. While information processing it is possible that consumer has selective processing in which he sees or hears only those things which he wants to hear. For instance a person who is new father or mother is more likely to be attentive for the advertisements where infants or toddlers are shown. This selective attention is due to the particular period in their lifestyle, situation and family. This develops selective processing of the information. How fast or slow consumer is to learn new things, new product details and its benefits. How behaviour and attitude of consumer can be changed or changes. There are various factors influencing consumer decision making process. Some are as follows: Size Colour Intensity Contrast Position Directionality Movement Isolation Novelty Learned ‘stimuli’ Attractive spokesperson †¢ Attitude towards gifts packaging Hine (1995) states the importance of packaging in terms of psychological factors like feelings and excitement. According to Hine ‘every package and anything on a package is capable of triggering feelings such as excitement, as well as beliefs about the brand and its trustworthiness, because when we look at a package, we see a personality and a set of values. ’ Packaging is an effective tool utilized by people in order to convey mystery about the product inside, create excitement and interest and share happiness. . There are various attributes to packaging which impacts its overall presentation. These attributes are package design, Colour, material used and occasion. Good design has intrinsic appeal. This intrinsic appeal is essentially aesthetic. Colours are important attribute of any packaging be it normal packaging or gif packaging. There are certain products which can be recalled along with the Colours associated with them. For instance IBM with blue, Coca-Cola with red Hine (1995) further describes the emotional, cultural and expectation related importance of Colours used in packaging. Colours trigger physiological reaction in the receiver. This can be emotional. Blue can make a person calm while red can make him excited. There are various symbolic qualities attached to Colours. Colours come to symbolize general qualities in all cultures. These are as follows in the west: †¢ Whiteâ€â€delicacy; †¢ Black mourning or business; †¢ Redâ€â€strength, vitality, excitement, danger; †¢ Yellowâ€â€youth, hope, and cheer; †¢ Blueâ€â€harmony, honesty, and calmness; †¢ Greenâ€â€the outdoors and country life; †¢ Brownâ€â€friendliness, trust, and reliability. People expect different things with the packaging they see for products and gifts. Howard (1992) states the importance of considering age and purpose factors in the gift wrapping for children. According to Howard (1992) â€Å"Childrens packaging is often a combination of unusual form and complex surface decoration. When my painting teacher in art school called me a great surface decorator, I knew it was not a compliment; yet, childrens surface decorating is meaningful and significant. †I. Methodology In the previous studies focus had ranged from studying the culture, packaging technologies, packaging aspects with the international context and many others. Though consumer feedbacks, socio-cultural influences, political legal frameworks had provided vital inputs on packaging and its roles but less efforts were done to understand the consumer behaviour during special occasion for this very important aspect of marketing mix. Organizations have been using packaging for various purposes. Packaging is used for protecting, communicating, safety purposes and presentation by the organizations. . It has been seen from previous studies that though the colour, typography, shapes and sizes and material of the packaging has been considered as important components, most of the studies conducted has been in the area of either packaging material or style in normal conditions. For special occasions organizations develop special strategies well in advance. For Christmas the preparations usually starts from the month of July August in order to meet the excess demand of the products. But in the case of other attributes or all the attributes of packaging during special occasion, hardly any work has done. Various components like colour and graphics have been important for the packaging during these occasions. This study will provide information which will help organizations in packaging during special occasions. There are various factors influencing consumer decision-making process i. e.socio-psychological. This is important for strategy makers and decision makers to have this vital information. The way this information is utilised within an organization is very important. The study is based on the Literature review. Secondary resources like websites of major retailers, journals, prestigious magazines and books and references regarding the study in business industry will be produced by various marketing forums, seminar and research papers, institutional publications and industry magazines. Primary data is important for this study. Fieldwork for the study had mainly involved structured questionnaires, concentrating on the consumers of retail organization Mark Spencer. The study tries to identify personal details like demographic details of the respondents, level of involvement with different packaging aspects during special occasion, experiences, knowledge and other factors where they have utilised some form of information in their decision making process in their buying behaviour. The issues to be asked by the questionnaires will fall into some major categories or topic areas of packaging and consumer behaviour. The data is analyzed with the help of simple data analysis tools MS Excel. Research methodology is an important aspect of any market research or survey. It describes the objectives, data collected, sampling, variables and other issues regarding research. Any research methodology defines the activity of research, the way it should be preceded, the way to measure its progress and the benchmarks or expected results of success. In this particular study the data has been collected with the help of a structured questionnaire. This questionnaire contained close-ended questions with the options available to the respondents. These questions were designed with the view that the respondent can respond to the questionnaire in shortest possible time. The language used is simple. The sentences are short and clear. Data has been collected by a survey conducted close to the Marks and Spencer retail organization, Birmingham. The respondents ranged from university students, working people, house wives and others representing both the genders and all the age groups mentioned in the questionnaire. The results have been divided into these same categories to ensure validity and reliability. General information in regard to identifiers was utilized in order to ensure that there would be no bias. This information provided the researcher with a more clarified view of perceptions in regard to the impact of packaging on special occasions. I. i. Hypothesis It is the intention of this work to discover the components which are very important for consumers during special occasions for gift giving or receiving. The questions to answer include several considerations. Those considerations include: the number of times the individual gives gift to others in a specific duration, what is the ethnic background of the consumer and whether it has any significance in the decision making of consumer for gift packaging; how various components of packaging are ranked by the customer, which are the most important components, whether or not gender plays any role in the gift giving and packaging decisions, views of the respondents as a gift receiver and sender about its packaging. In applying knowledge continuation of the research is managed by inquiring if respondents agree with various packaging components and their impacts on them. This series of questionnaires concerns different viewpoints to provide a more valid and expressive result. In so doing, inquiries were carried out by questionnaire for the respondents from various ethnic background, age group and gender. The qualitative research was conducted through an interview with the employee of Marks and Spencer about the special occasion and gift packaging. The interview was based on a structured questionnaire with set of questions. These questions are open ended and view points of the respondent has been noted cautiously I. ii. Research objectives The objective in this study is to understand the impact of social occasions on packaging. The study is balanced in its validity and reliability by results in questionnaires delivered to respondents and the employee of Marks and Spencer †¢ The objective is to discover whether the components of packaging have impact on the consumer decision making. †¢ The objective also includes understanding the relationship among the components of packaging, culture and demographic profile of the consumer. †¢ The other objective is to understand the level to which organization gets involve in packaging during the special occasions. To meet these objectives the primary research is designed based on structured questionnaire to collect data to understand the level of involvement in the decision making for the packaging and its aspects. I. iii. Primary research I. iii. a. Data collection. Primary data is collected with the help of structured questionnaire from the area surrounding colleges in and around the Birmingham. These data collected by various kind of respondents from different age group, sex and ethnic background of people doing shopping in Mark Spencer. Data was gained from a specific area for ease of accessibility and for targeted accuracy lending reliability and validity to the research process. Data is collected to understand the attitude and consumer behaviour of the components of packaging. Due to the fact that researcher is working with the organization it is easy to manage and collect data from this particular area and the focus was managed accordingly. The data for this work was managed through a single questionnaire handed out to respondents of different backgrounds in front of Mark Spencer, Birmingham researcher’s location. The researcher utilized gender identifiers and numbers or letters to separate each questionnaire for validity and reliability of results and to ensure bias reductions. The questionnaire is located in the Appendix section for understanding of the questions. The majority of questions in the questionnaire are closed ended questions. Each question in the demographic section had options available to the respondents and respondent has to tick on the most appropriate one. On the other hand the situation specific questions, there are statements given and the respondent has to tick the most appropriate term based on to what level he agrees to the statement or not. These questions are based on the Likert Scale concepts. The questionnaire is designed on the basis of the in puts of the literature review and previous studies conducted by various other researchers. One question is ranking question where respondent has to rank various components of the packaging on the basis of his preference. These provided the list of factors to be covered which helped researchers to narrow down the important factors which are important to fulfil the objectives of the study. The questionnaire has been distributed among the target respondents. The respondents had been explained the objectives for which the study was conducted and any other risk associated with the study. The confidentiality of identity was insured. Respondent had been ensured that this data will not be used in any other purpose than this particular study. The process to deliver and collect these questionnaires spanned approximately two weeks. I. iii. b. Variables The variables involved included age groups, gender and ethnic background. The next sets of variables were various components of packaging and consumer behaviour for the same. Limitations in these variables include the fact that marital status, family structure and economic status of the various respondents were not included in the research paradigm.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Rhetorical Question Essay Example for Free
Rhetorical Question Essay In the story â€Å"Nineteen Thirty-Seven†Edwidge Danticat presents Josephine, a Haitian girl who often visits her mother at the Port Au Prince prison. In the process of Josephine’s visits the reader comes to understand that pain surrounds her life. Not only does it surround her life, however, pain is a prominent factor in all of her contemporaries’ existence. The oppressed nature of Josephine, her mom, and the woman of the river cause them to create an artificial sense of hope for their life full of suffering. Suffering seems to be a common component inherent of all Haitian women. This can be seen when Manman states â€Å"We were saved from the tomb of this river when she was still in my womb. You spared us both, her and me, from this river where I lost my mother†(Danticat, 40). Josephine was born on the day of the massacre by El Generalissimo’s soldiers representing that she is birthed from pain, as a lot of Haitians died that day. One of those who died was Manman’s mother, in an effort to alleviate her pain Manman takes Josephine as a replacement of the existence of her mother. Not only does Josephine emanate from suffering yet she carries the connation of false hope, as life can’t be replaced. The effect of suffering is once again seen when Manman mentions â€Å"Keep the Madonna when I am gone†¦Maybe you will have some flesh to console you. But if you don’t, you will always have the Madonna†(Danticat, 43). Once again Josephine’s mom creates hope for her daughter. Given that pain surrounds her life, her mother hopes that Josephine can deal with her suffering in the same way that she dealt with her mom’s death. The aforementioned quotes emphasize the repetitive occurrence of yet different pain Haitian women particularly experience. Danticat, Edwidge. Nineteen Thirty-Seven. Krik? Krak! New York: Vintage, 1996. 33-49. Print.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Induction of Aminolevulinic Acid Synthase Gene Expression
Induction of Aminolevulinic Acid Synthase Gene Expression Induction of aminolevulinic acid synthase gene expression, down-regulation ferrochelatase and enhancement of metabolite, protoporphyrin IX, excretion by co-therapy with isoniazid and rifampicin (1. Isoniazid and rifampicin induced liver injury by regulating 5-aminolevulinate synthase and ferrochelatase and enhancing protoporphyrin IX 2. Mechanism of rifampicin and isoniazid induced cell death in L-02 cell line and mice) Abstract Isoniazid(INH) and rifampicin(RFP) are first-line antituberculosis drugs, co-therapy with INH and RFP is highly effective. However, the combination of these two drugs frequently cause liver injury or liver failure in humans. The risk of hepatotoxicity is considerably higher in patients receiving both RFP and INH than in those receiving either RFP or INH alone. Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the mechanism of injury after isoniazid or rifampicin used in various animal models, however, the important mechanism for the combination of isoniazid and rifampicin in humans remains unclear. Here we investigated this combination induced hepatotoxicity using L-02 cells and mice. Introduction Tuberculosis remains a global public health problem whose effects have major impact in developing countries. World Health Organization estimates that there were 8.6 million new TB cases in 2012 and 1.3 million TB deaths. The currently recommended treatment for new cases of drug-susceptible TB is a six-month regimen of four first-line drugs: isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol and pyrazinamide. (Global tuberculosis report 2013). However, the combination of isoniazid(INH) and rifampicin(RFP) frequently cause liver injury or liver failure. The risk of hepatotoxicity is considerably higher in patients receiving the combination than in those receiving either RFP or INH alone. The mechanisms leading to liver failure in humans were poorly understood. Recently, a new mechanism ,independent of INH metabolism, is found in the RFP and INH co-therapy induced liver injury. Li et al. (Li, et al. 2013) found that co-therapy with RFP and INH targets porphyrin biosynthesis and results in hepatic protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) accumulation and liver injury . PPIX is an intermediate in porphyrin biasynthesis. Normally the concentrations of PPIX is very low in the liver. However, in some cases the concentration abnormally elevated in blood and liver, such as erythropoietic protoporphyria. High concentrations of PPIX in the liver are known to cause liver injury (Anstey and Hift 2007; Casanova-Gonzalez, et al. 2010). Using hPXR mice, Li et al. demonstrated that the accumulation of endogenous PPIX is through PXR-mediated transcriptional activations of aminolevulinic synthase-1(ALAS1) genes. ALAS1 is the rate-limiting enzyme of heme synthesis in the liver and is drug-responsive, providing heme for CYPs and other hemoproteinsis. Activation of PXR can up regulate ALAS1 expression in liver (Fraser, et al. 2003). RFP upregulate ALAs1 increasing heme-biosynthesis in the liver and overproducing PPIX through activating PXR signalling pathway. However, PPIX accumulation strongly suggests that ferrochelatase became a ratelimiting enzyme during INH-RFP treatment (Lyoumi, et al. 2013). Ferrochelatase (FECH) ,the final enzyme in the heme biosynthetic pathway, catalyses ferrous iron inserted into precursor porphyrin protoporphyrin IX to form heme, and when defective or deficient, causing accumulation of protoporphyrin IX. Ferrochelatase is active in cells that produce 80% heme in the bone marrow (Bloomer, et al. 1991) and the rest in hepatocytes (Bonkowsky, et al. 1975). The excess protoporphyrinIX becomes insoluble in bile and exerts cholestatic effects leading to architectural changes in the hepatobiliary system ranging from mild inflammation to fibrosis and cirrhosis (Anstey and Hift 2007). MATERIALS AND METHODS PI staining L-02 were allowed to adhere on glass bottom dishs for 4h, followed by INH,RFP or INH/RFP. The medium was removed after h and cells were stained with for 30 min. Nuclei were stained with 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and images were recorded with a fluorescence microscope. Western blotting L-02 cells cultured in flask were harvested using 0.25% trypsin (Hyclone, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, Mass). After centrifugation at 1000r and lysis using buffer for Western blotting (), total proteins were collected by following the kit instructions. Protein concentrations were determined using the BCA Protein Assay Kit (). After heating at 95 °C for 5 minutes in sample buffer, proteins were separated on SDS-PAGE using 10% polyacrylamide gels before electroblotting onto PVDFmembrane(). Nonspecific binding was blocked by incubation for 2 hours in 5% (w/v) nonfat milk. The following primary antibodies were used overnight at 4 °C: Rabbit anti-human FECH antibody(; 1:1000); Rabbit anti-human ALAs1 antibody( 1:500); Rabbit anti-human BCRP antibody(; 1:500). Bound antibodies were detected using horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies (Beijing Biosynthesis Biotechnology Co. LTD). Finally, the membranes were visualized by chemiluminescence. RNA Isolation and Real time Polymerase Chain Reaction for ALAs1 and FECH Cell Culture L-02 cells, a human fetal hepatocyte line, purchased from Cell Bank of Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, purchased from Shanghai, China, were cultured according to the manufacturer’s instructions 15 at 37 °C in 5% CO2. Cell culture materials were procured from Corning() Discussion Nevertheless, the ability of chemicals to activate PXR is species dependent. RFP is a human PXR specific activator that weakly affect on mouse (Lehmann, et al. 1998). INH hepatotoxicity is thought to be dependent on metabolic activation by arylamine N-acetyltransferase and CYP2E1, but Li found AcHZ and hydrazine do not cause INH-related hepatotoxicity. Hepatic heme synthesis leading to protoporphyria and possible impact with other metabolic systems (Davies, et al. 2005). References Primary Sources Secondary Sources Uncategorized References Anstey, A. V., and R. J. Hift, 2007, Liver disease in erythropoietic protoporphyria: insights and implications for management. Postgrad Med J 83(986):739-48. Bloomer, J. R., et al. 1991, Heme synthesis in protoporphyria. Curr Probl Dermatol 20:135-47. Bonkowsky, H. L., et al. 1975, Heme synthetase deficiency in human protoporphyria. Demonstration of the defect in liver and cultured skin fibroblasts. J Clin Invest 56(5):1139-48. Casanova-Gonzalez, M. J., et al. 2010, Liver disease and erythropoietic protoporphyria: a concise review. World J Gastroenterol 16(36):4526-31. Davies, R., et al. 2005, Hepatic gene expression in protoporphyic Fech mice is associated with cholestatic injury but not a marked depletion of the heme regulatory pool. Am J Pathol 166(4):1041-53. Fraser, D. J., A. Zumsteg, and U. A. Meyer, 2003, Nuclear receptors constitutive androstane receptor and pregnane X receptor activate a drug-responsive enhancer of the murine 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase gene. J Biol Chem 278(41):39392-401. Lehmann, J. M., et al. 1998, The human orphan nuclear receptor PXR is activated by compounds that regulate CYP3A4 gene expression and cause drug interactions. J Clin Invest 102(5):1016-23. Li, F., et al. 2013, Human PXR modulates hepatotoxicity associated with rifampicin and isoniazid co-therapy. Nat Med 19(4):418-20. Lyoumi, S., et al. 2013, PXR-ALAS1: a key regulatory pathway in liver toxicity induced by isoniazid-rifampicin antituberculosis treatment. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol 37(5):439-41.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Tea Time Commercials: A Western Advertisement Essay -- setting, traditi
Tea Time Marketing Assignment Commercials Western †¢ A man drinks Lipton ice tea and begins to perform a dance number along with the staff and the guests. After traveling around the hotel he then sits down again and order another Lipton ice tea. Traditional †¢ The mother and daughter in law. Have a conversation which shows how close they are. This leads to them drinking Red Label tea; which is followed by the daughter lovingly fixing the mothers hair. Why is it western? There are multiple reason in why this commercial can be considered a western advertisement. These include the setting, actions, actors. †¢ The setting within this movie is a large hotel. Which is usually associated with modern culture. It is a place that is known to be connected with western business men. †¢ The setting also has many luxuries which would not be seen in a more traditional commercial. Which includes business attire instead of traditional clothing. The design of the building is also very modern. It does not show the culture of the country or anything that may have been considered traditional. Moving on the objects within the movie are westernized. This can be seen through the attire of the staff. They are not wearing traditional clothing, which should be worn by Japanese inn keepers. Finally the setting is also westernized due to the bedding the maids display. The bedding which they display is not the one which would be used on a traditional Japanese futon. †¢ It can also include the food. The food being prepared within the kitchen is more western and modern, rather than traditional. ( Foods such as takoyaki and yokisoba were not shown). The product itself was pre-packaged, while a traditional tea would have been prepared fresh. The way in wh... ...n traditional inns. †¢ The clothing choices are also very different therefore they will be unable to differentiate between the clothing they use to represent employees and the business attire. †¢ They will be unable to relate to the advertisement †¢ They will not know the actor therefore will not be easily influenced by him †¢ Language could also be an influence Traditional Advertisement/Western Audience †¢ The viewers will not be able to relate to the advertisement because many western people do not live with their in laws. They will also not understand the significance of tea within the Indian household. †¢ They will not understand the clothing choices and may find them unappealing †¢ They will not know the celebrities endorsing the product, which may lead to confusion †¢ Language barriers may exist †¢ They will not be able to understand this family environment
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Internet - Cybersex and the Online Gender Gap :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Cybersex and the Online Gender Gap  Introduction of a New Concept Sex. This is one of the most commonly discussed topics face-to-face and online that stirs up controversy. The introduction of the Internet and its mass appeal and use has only kindled the flame of the ever-burning fire of the controversy of sex related material and the ever-present gender battle between men and women. Victor J. Vitanza’s Cyberreader contains a section entitled â€Å"Sexual Politics†that explores the issues of computers and sex, and the gender gap in the cyber world between men, women, and computers. After viewing these materials, I would like to discuss the behavior patterns of men and women when it comes to talking and learning about computers, the stereotypes with computers, and sex in the virtual/cyber world. Men and women are capable of learning the same subject matter, but apparently neither gender wants to admit or state the obvious. The genders separate themselves in the computer/cyber world like they do in the real world. The predetermined stereotypes and prejudices that began with the invention of the computer and Internet are still the standards we hold today; men dominate the computer/cyber world. Another log on the fire of the gender battle is sex and the Internet. The behaviors displayed by men and women both bring the two genders together and split them apart. Gender shouldn’t matter online because it can be hidden in the sense that screen names don’t always hold a gender related characteristic. The Gender Gap Computers and everything that relates to them has always been perceived as â€Å"a man’s job†or a male dominated field. This so called gender gap got its roots from this misconception, and the following essays give some insightful information to help clear up these misunderstandings in the computer/cyber/virtual world. According to Barbara Kantrowitz the gender gap begins at an early age when children begin learning about computers. â€Å"Girls get subtle messages--from society if not their parents--that they should keep their hands clean and play with their dolls. Too often, they’re discouraged from taking science and math†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Kantrowitz, 177) Kantrowitz goes on to discuss how around the fifth grade these subtle little messages kick in with girls because computers are â€Å"not quite feminine topics†, so girls don’t dive into the computer world like boys do.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Heidi Roizen/ Building a Network Essay
In my opinion Heidi Roizen’s network is one of her greatest assets. â€Å"While other people use networks to build their business, Heidi’s business is networking. She’s very effective and uses her network to add real value.†, Randy Komisar commented on the article. Her networking skills are extremely efficient. She is really good at blending her professional with her personal networking. She always grabs the nucleus people of a network and then keeps in touch with all the people in that network. And another strength that makes Roizen’s networking successful is that she understands and pays more attention on the win-win relationship which is a core factor that differentiated her skills from others. Her style includes an unpretentious, down- to-earth, and positive personality which played an important role for her success. Additionally, as mentioned on the article by Royal Farros â€Å"Heidi is a pro at turning a brief conversation into one of substance, by contributing one or two unique ideas in a short period of time. That helps make the conversation memorable.†The downside of Roisen’s networking is that they are thousands of people that know her and in some cases people may feel they have a relationship with her, and therefore request her time for meetings. There are also some weaknesses in her networking. Her networking lacks more diversity. According to the article, she always invites the people to her party that have known half of any other people attend the party. That could potentially lead to a result that she can meet less people at one time, she could miss some important talents and opportunities. Also her networking really focuses on companies and people mostly bases in the Silicon Valley. In order to build her networking, Roizen has taken several steps. She begun building relationship with members of the press and she also attended several industry conferences and events. Later on she also decided to join the board of the Software Publishers Association (SPA). The article also mentioned that she gets motivation to get to know good-quality and talented people and be friends with then. She also knows that she is placing a bet by investing so much time in these people, but many of her bets paid off for her in the past. Additionally, she acknowledges that is easier to meet people when they are not famous, and off course it would be easier for her when they become famous because she would already have a relationship with them. And she spends a long-term effort on performance and consistency during and after each interaction to maintain a better and long living network. I think Heide should diversify more her network and try to create strong connections with leaders from other industries a besides technology and venture capital. Also because of the breath and depth of her network, she will constantly have people reaching out for her, so in my opinion she will have to be more selective of her time and people who she will interact with, and most important she will have to say no to some people. Additionally, she should probably balance more her life and reduce the number of industry events or gatherings hosted by her, which according to the article she already initiated this process. I would like to reinforce my arguments in this paragraph with something that Roizen mentioned in a news article, â€Å"At the close of my life, I’d like to look back and know that I got  and delivered  good value out of living. I’d like to know that I took advantage of the opportunities that I was blessed with for myself and my family. I want to know that I created good balance in my life, enjoyed it, lived well and enhanced the lives of others in the process.â€
Monday, September 16, 2019
Beauty Is Skin Deep
Beauty is Skin Deep Abstract Beauty is skin deep; refers to the outward beauty of a person. We know and realize that a person can be beautiful on the inside. A person with a beautiful mind, we can say him/her as a nice person. But when we listen something beautiful we generally indicate that something outward appearance. So beauty is skin deep; this statement tries to highlight that person’s outward appearance counts for nothing but it is what lies beneath the skin, the real person himself or herself is what actually matters.And I believe the underlying message of this saying is true. In my research I tried to justify this statement by applying different theories and real life examples. I tried to see what people think about the definition, dimension and criteria of beauty and also tried to know how they perceive it in their lives. After doing research I have confirmed that this statement is justified ethically because most people had gone with my opinion. Table of contents It emsPage no. Introduction & background 4-7 Methodology8 Data analysis & presentation8-10 Different theories11Real life examples11 conclusion12 Appendices13-14 Reference list15 Introduction & background Beauty means a person whose physical appearance would be appealing to a majority of people. Many people think that a person is only beautiful by their outside appearance such as weight, height, hair length, or face complexion. They do not pay attention to the important characteristics that make and mode a person. They feel that beauty is based on appearance alone. But on the other hand think differently. But some people think beauty is all about what is on a person’s inside.Inside beauty consists of the person’s love for themselves, their love for others, and lastly their personality. All these things create a beautiful person. In short beauty is- 1. A combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form that pleases the aesthetic senses, esp. the sight. 2. A combinati on of qualities that pleases the intellect or moral sense. Quotes about beauty- Beauty is truth, truth beauty,â€â€that is all. Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. (John Keats) Beauty is but a flower Which wrinkles will devour. (Thomas Nashe) There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness. Marguerite Gardiner) All the beauty of the world, 'tis but skin deep. ( Ralph Venning) From a study we found that †¢Seventy seven percent strongly agree that beauty can be achieved through attitude and other attributes that have nothing to do with physical appearance. †¢Eighty-nine percent strongly agree that women can be beautiful at any age. †¢Eighty-five percent state that every woman has something about her that is beauty. This study shows that two thirds of women strongly agree that physical attractiveness is about how one looks, whereas beauty includes much more of who a person is.Women rate happiness, confidence, dignity, and humor as powerful components of beauty, along with the more tradition attributes of physical appearance, body weight and shape, sense of style etc. Researchers have found that good looking students get higher grades from their teachers than students with an ordinary appearance. 1. Begley, S. (2009). â€Å" The link between beauty and grades†Newsweek. 2. Courtney, V. (2008) â€Å"Focus on the family†. â€Å"What is Beauty? †B Publishing Group. Furthermore, attractive patients receive more personalized care from their doctor.Studies have even shown that handsome criminals receive lighter sentences than less attractive convicts. Studies among teens and young adults, such as those of psychiatrist and self-help author show that skin conditions have a profound effect on social behavior and opportunity. How much money a person earns may also be influenced by physical beauty. One study found that people low in physical attractiveness earn 5 to 10 percent less than ordinary looking people, who in turn earn 3 to 8 percent less than those who are considered good looking.Discrimination against others based on their appearance is known as lookism. The topic is too some extent controversial. Because some people say yes beauty is only skin deep nothing much more. On the hand, some say that although beauty is skin deep but it has much more significance in our lives. Their opinion is beautiful people are always treated beautifully. So they become compassionate individuals who treated others well. Some people give their opinion neutrally. There are some opinions of people based on some secondary sources.Agreeing to the statement some said if someone looks beautiful on the outside that does not mean they will also beautiful inside also, they might be so despicable in the inside, or if someone is very ugly, may be nice in the inside. It is like the saying: Don't judge a book by its cover, instead, don’t judge a person by its cover. Some people directly and clearly said that the only thing should matter about a person is their personality. Personality is the main factor which makes a person beautifully. 3. Lorenz, K. (2005). â€Å"Do pretty people earn more? †CNN News, Time Warner. 4. Coast, P. (2009).Image Survey Reveals: Perception is reality when it comes to teenagers. PRNewswire. On the contrary to the statement Social psychology disagrees. It says that beautiful people actually are friendlier and nice. It is known that we subconsciously consign positive features such as friendliness and intelligence to beautiful people. Generally people treat these people nicer than treat others. So the result of having been beautiful and therefore nicely treated children they develop a positive self-image and they become mature, thoughtful, compassionate individuals who can easily treat others well as they have learned others treat them.In this way this beautiful people become friendlier and nicer than less beautiful people. Some people disagree with the above thinking. They think that people who experience little difficulty he/she can often become incredibly uncharitable, self-centered individuals. Some people gave their opinion in the light of their experience. They said if someone look factually, it can be noticed that at school when there is done a drama topics on this, the words beauty is only skin deep, it implies that beauty cannot be on the inside. So if someone has beauty, it will only be on the inside.But if someone is not beautiful on the outside, then he/she can't be beautiful on the inside either as well. Methodology For my research purpose, I have divided the data collection procedure into two parts. I have used primary data to get the real picture of peoples mind. I have also used secondary data to collect various types of information about my topic. Primary data I did a survey on some 20 people where there were men and women of different ages, income and different educational background. For doing this I designed a questionnaire wit h different types of question which eventually helped me to answer of my research questions.Secondary data For my secondary research, I used web blogs, online articles, and online magazines, different theories, abstract of research findings etc. Data presentation and analysis according to my research In my research I have tried to define beauty, its elements or characteristics and try to find out how different types of people perceive beauty. To the end I had been addressing the following research questions according to the Bangladeshi people. What is beauty? Majority agreed with the 2nd question’s statement.They said that someone is really good looking but total jerk and a person with ugly looking but super nice, and then they would choose the ugly person who had a great personality. According to them the criteria to judge one’s beauty should be his/her personality. Their logic was beauty is something which goes over time but one’s inner beauty is something whi ch does not go over time. They think that beauty is something which includes happiness, confidence, dignity and humor. Few people went with the option c. According to them physical appearance is the first thing to see than the other options can be realized slowly over time.So they choose physical appearance as beauty. Beauty can gain genetically or not. Some people agreed with this statement and some did not. Some said that as beauty is the mixture of personality, humor, behavior, proper education and lastly the physical appearance so most of these cannot gain by genetically. People have to achieve those. On the hand some people said it can be gained genetically like height, complexion etc. How can anyone value the beauty or determination of the value of beauty? There are some interesting opinions which I have got.According to some people’s opinion especially male’s to marry or to make a relationship they first see at the physical appearance of women. Few people said t hat physically beautiful persons are self-worth; they think they are prince or princess and deserve to be universally treated better than anyone else. Sometimes they believe they have the right to treat others like dirt. So according to them most physically beautiful persons are bad in relationship. Some people said that most beautiful people are good in their relationship as they are treated well by others in their lives so they also learn to treat others properly.Some people of my survey responded neutrally as they choose may be! According to some people they want to marry someone who has all the criteria in the person. Some people said personality is very important as a good personality holding person can be understanding, friendly, compromising which is very important to stay together. They believe that outward beauty might be disturbing when he/she cannot do compromise or not be understanding. Among twenty peoples, four peoples said that they got preference sometimes like they easily got attention in class from the opposite sex.Seven peoples said that they never got this type of preference. Nine peoples said that they are not sure about this matter. Eight peoples said that they got refused by others but they are not sure for which reasons. Four peoples said that they refused others for this reasons. And the rest of the people said no, they did not refuse other’s proposal or did not get refused by other for this reason. Beauty is skin deep- agree or disagree. Majority agreed with this statement. Their logic was beauty is something which comes first in front of someone.So for sometimes it carries some significance but ultimate beauty is the inner thing which never goes with time. They said outward beauty is superficial thing. But some people choose the third option. They said that beauty is something that depends in the eye of the beholder. Different theories Beauty is skin deep- this phrase can also be justified by some ethical theories. Ethical the ories are the rules and principles that determine right and wrong for any given situation. And the normative ethical theory is something which proposes to prescribe the morally correct way of acting.Here, Beauty refers the inner beautifulness of a person which refers to the behavior, dignity, proper education, confidence, humor, inner happiness, faith etc. Good behavior, self-confidence, good sense of humor, respect to others, truthfulness, faith, good education makes a person beautiful and this beauty comes through the way of morality. If there were no ethical and moral issues in our lives, then what is right and what is wrong we could not understand and could not identify who is good and who is bad. Ethical theories have given that guideline which differentiates between right and wrong.A person has morality and ethics cannot do whatever he wants, he maintains all his relationships properly, his ethics always obstacle him to do wrong things. In thus way a person with ethics become a beautiful person. Real life examples From my experience I can say that beauty is only skin deep. My mother is not a beautiful woman but my father loves her a lot and they lead their life happily together. I think and can realize that it’s not the beauty rather than simplicity, understanding, sacrificing, and intelligence are most important issues which make them happy in their married life.I can recall some of my relatives who divorced. My maternal cousin, married his girlfriend who was very beautiful lady, but they divorced after highly three months of their married life. I surprised how they took the decision, how they lose their love to each other†¦ Now I am going to tell one of my friends name Siddiquea who is black and fat also. But she is the nicest person I have ever seen. She is polite, intelligent, reliable, friendly, truthful person. Every person of her known likes her a lot. She is the most respectful person to them.Whenever i see her, I see a smiley face an d I surprise how she could hold it all the times. And I can say that beauty is only skin deep Lastly I can strongly say beauty is skin deep when I turn into my personal life and see my beloved person who always gives me this realization. Conclusion In the conclusion, if we think for a while about the beauty and hear from someone that you are beautiful then we must fall in confusion that is he/she indicates it as inner beauty or outward appearance. Mass media and modern culture have snatched the authentic and proper definition of beauty.Beauty is defined by God and God alone. He sets the standard for beauty and gives us clues throughout Scripture as to what defines a beautiful woman. But unfortunately many people cannot get the key component which is faith. It determines a person’s happiness, confidence, humor and dignity. It is just as the Proverbs 31 passage concludes, â€Å"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a women who fears the Lord is to be praised†( prov. 31:30). Through the research it is found that people believe in one’s inner beauty and it is the main quality of someone.But they also mentioned that outward looking or physical appearance is getting first priority in all the sectors in our lives as outward beauty comes first in front of people first and then his/her inner qualities. Finally they also said that an ugly people can become a nice and beautiful person to others when he/she has good qualities because those good qualities make him/her extraordinary and respectful person to others. Appendices 1) Beauty is only physical appearance- a) Agree b) disagree 2) Beauty should be inner beauty of mind not physical appearance. a) Agree b) disagree 3) What should be the criteria of judging beauty? a) Physical appearance b) personality c) both 4) According to you which option/options will fall in the features of beauty? a) Happiness & confidence b) dignity & humor. c) Physical appearance d) a and b both 5) Beauty can gain only genetically. a) Agree b) disagree 6) Do you think physical appearance is very important issue to marry or to make a love relationship? )Yes b) no 7 )Do you think beautiful (physical appearance) persons are always good in relationship? a)Yes, always b) no, not at all c) yes to some extent d) may be, may be not 8) Do you think beautiful (physical appearance) persons are always bad in relationship? A) Yes, always B) no, not at all C) yes to some extent D) may be, may be not 9) Do you have any experience which helps to realize you that beauty (physical appearance) is more important? ) Yes b) no 10) Do you have any experience which helps to realize you that inner beauty of mind is more important than outward’s? a) Yes b) no 11) Suppose you want to marry someone then what issues you will give more preference? A)Physical appearance b) family background c) personality d) all 12) Did you get any personal preference in any place like university, office, hospital because you are a beautiful lady or a handsome guy? ) Yes, always b) yes, sometimes c) no, never d) may be, not sure 13) Did you ever refuse someone’s proposal of love only because he/she was not beautiful like short in height, complexion etc.? a) Yes b) no 14) Did you ever get refused by someone because you are not beautiful physically? a)Yes b) no 15) Beauty is skin deep. A) Agree B) disagree C) other opinion Reference 1. Begley, S. (2009). The link between beauty and grades†Newsweek. 2. Courtney, V. (2008) â€Å"Focus on the family†. â€Å"What is Beauty? †B Publishing Group. 3. Lorenz, K. (2005). â€Å"Do pretty people earn more? †CNN News, Time Warner. 4. Coast, P. (2009). Image Survey Reveals: Perception is reality when it comes to teenagers. PRNewswire. 5. John Keats, Poems (1820), â€Å"Ode on a Grecian Urn†, last lines. 6. Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington, Desultory Thoughts and Reflections (1839), p. 90. 7. Ralph Venning, Orthodoxe P aradoxes (Third Edition, 1650), The Triumph of Assurance, p. 41.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Analyzing the functions of music in upcoming Rappers Essay
Prach Ly’s Power Territory and Rice functions as a link between his heritage as a Cambodian and his ambition to give back to those who became targets in the tragedy of Cambodia. He communicates the lyrics in a provocative rhythm which sets the tonality for the listeners in a grave and arguably concerned poise deeming his lyrics to be of a serious nature. His rap therefore takes a distinct tone that is akin to the musical function of other rappers who compose lyrics around their precarious lifestyles in the ghettos and their fight for survival amongst the hostility they are faced with everyday. As Prach relays in the telephonic interview, his urge to make music was met with a purpose around the time he discovered the true extent of the tragedies that were faced with the Cambodian people (Ly, 2004). Even though he was born at the time of the Cambodian massacre, his memory was only riddled with sparse recollections of the chaos, and through the eyes of his brother he managed to piece them together and write about it, his lyrics reconnecting with the adults who understood and the kids who appreciated alike. His intention was to use his music for emotional expression, a function that allows the artist to communicate more effectively than normal speech. While this sat well with the adult listeners, the song also seemed to incorporate the function of entertainment for the younger listeners. On a bigger picture, the powerful lyrics also contribute to the integration of society, largely educating the people of the struggle of the Cambodian people and reinvigorating their sense of compassion for them. Mandeep Sethi’s Adair Sethi is more focused on hip-hop as an art form that educates as well as entertains (Sethi, 2009). While he considers music as a tool for the oppressed, Adair shows that he intends the song to function primarily as a fusion of entertainment and emotional expression given the beat it follows and the lyrics that surround the regular questions about life and religion. His intention is further made vivid by the line Music has its own sound, as it invites the listener to indulge further into the entertainment function while still engaging in the mystical side of the rhythm that each artist utilizes in order to communicate a message. Sikh Knowledge’s Ch-Ching The music here functions primarily as a form of emotional expression. The slow beat and rhythm perfectly complements the mood that Knowledge is trying to set, and his lyrics, which discuss the conflict in Palestine, particularly the ruins of Gaza, aim squarely to inform those who do not know and those who sympathize equally. This function of music is of course a utility that highlight matters of grave concern to the public or a specific community and Knowledge reinvigorates the feeling by mentioning other more entertainment oriented music such as two-step bhangra and declaring that this song is nothing like them. Thus, he expresses himself in rap of matters that he finds deeply emotional putting himself on the Palestinian side of the battle. Conclusion One prevailing characteristic of the aforementioned rappers is their Asian American ethnicity, and it is evident that their origins greatly encourages their listeners to see their viewpoints, just like their chosen genre sets them up against stigmas of being unable to thrive in a field dominated by African Americans. The subject matter of the song, thus, becomes very important and the function of music in turn plays a much more important role in determining success. It is interesting to note that the rapper acquires acceptance a lot easily amongst people of his race before anywhere else as was the case with Prach who became a no. 1 hit in Cambodia whereas he composed the album elsewhere. It can easily be concluded from the popularity of these rappers that their ethnic origins account for a large percentage of their success, since that success takes root in first instance amongst the people of their own race. References Ly, P. (2004). Art of faCt: An Interview with praCh. (S. May, Interviewer) Sethi, M. (2009, October 26). The Brown Underground. (N. Dhillon, Interviewer)
Saturday, September 14, 2019
I Disagree with School Uniforms Essay
I think school uniforms are a bad decision for S. S Seward. S. S Seward students should not be required to wear an official school uniform because it doesn’t give the students a chance to express themselves and make them feel happy and make them feel like they belong. I’m also disagreeing because it causes financial problems and bullying. Financial difficulties seem to be a problem with the school uniforms. Schools claim that school uniforms are less expensive for parents; however, school uniforms generally mean an additional cost for parents, who now have to purchase different types of clothing for their children to wear in and out of school. Additionally, since uniforms involve specific requirements, parents may not be able to find uniform options in discount or thrift stores as they could if they had more freedom to choose their children’s wardrobes. Most schools with uniform requirements do, however, provide free uniforms to needy families. Bullying and Violence seem to be another problem with the school uniforms. Some school administrators believe that enforcing a uniform policy will eliminate the problems of discrimination and bullying. But kids will find a way to hurt one another, regardless of what they wear. If they wear uniforms, some children will bully each other over hairstyles or jewelry or shoe choices. They will mock each other for their parents’ professions or their socioeconomic status, no matter what they wear to school. A uniform isn’t an absolute solution to problems of school bullying and negative behavior. It also seems that there is not individual expression involved with the school uniforms. Students in school need to learn to express themselves, and their wardrobe choices are one way of doing this. When every child is forced to dress just like all his peers, he loses his freedom to choose how he wants to represent himself through his clothing. Additionally, some uniforms may conflict with a student’s religious beliefs and practices regarding proper attire. Teachers, on the other hand, may appreciate restrictions of personal expression through clothing, because students dress inappropriately at times. Many people feel that uniforms are a method of reining in the creativity and freedom of expression of teens and kids, and passing on the message that conformity is important. Contrary to popular belief, even with uniforms on, certain children will get picked on by others. Cliques will still be formed and students will find ways such as weight, complexion, and financial status to pass judgment upon their peers. School uniforms are very often unflattering, and it can damage a child’s self-image.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Ahhh...The Test
Do you ever feel sweat coming from your hands? If you say yes, I bet I know why your hands are sweating†¦ it’s the test, isn’t it? I know it’s creepy, but here are ways to help you get good grades on everything you get. You don’t cheat, you practice, and you let your brain do the work, these are the advice I would give you, if you follow them, I hope that you should get a higher grade on your test. The following paragraphs will show you why you should follow my advices. My first advice is you don’t cheat. For example if you cheat, it’s called cheating, and that won’t help you pass the test, you might pass it, but what is it worth for? You will not understand anything they teach you, so re you cheating them, or are you really cheating yourself? Cheating is bad, because once in a while you’ll get caught by the teacher. Another advice is you practice. For example if you practice you’ll get smarter. And then you can do the test like it is a piece of cake. Have you ever heard the phrase â€Å"Practice makes perfect†? Well believe in that phrase. It has proved very useful. I strongly believe in that phrase, because if you keep practicing, you will eventually find what kind of mistakes your making, and then you’ll learn to avoid all those mistakes. The last advice is you let your brain do the work. For example since you’ve practiced so hard for it, relax, I mean be nervous a little, but don’t worry too much, relax and have faith in yourself, say this in your head â€Å"I’m going to ace this test!†. Your brain will speed through the questions as if they were nothing much than a bug. In conclusion don’t cheat, because it’s going to get you nowhere.(except maybe the principle’s office.) Practice, Practice, Practice, because if you don’t you’ll regret it. And let your brain do all the work, because your brain has all the facts you need. Follow these advices, and there will be unlimited possibilities for your future. TRUST ME, when I used all these methods, I got the highest score on the 5th grade math test. And remember this is a secret between you and me†¦ don’t tell a soul. Good luck on your test†¦ oh wait, you don’t need luck you have skills on your side, so go ace that test!
Describe one method for manipulation of microstructure and mechanical Essay
Describe one method for manipulation of microstructure and mechanical properties for each of the following class of materials - Essay Example This technique makes the metal soft, and it can be cut and shaped more easily. For example, mild steel is usually heated to a red heat, after which it is allowed to cool slowly. Other metals like aluminium melt when heated to high temperatures. Therefore, care must be taken when annealing them. Annealed metals can be changed to any shape and size, and then allowed to cool slowly into their hard status (Groover, 2010 p57). Nanotechnology is the process of engineering functional systems at the molecular scale usually at the Subatomic level (American Ceramic Society, 2009 p123). It usually deals with structures of 100 nanometers or less. Its main purpose is to make materials cleaner, lighter and more prà ©cised. Ceramics is one of the areas where nanotechnology has led to the production of a wide array of materials with distinct performance and property. Nano ceramics exist in solid form ranging in the size of nano meters (10-9) to micrometers (10-6). A Large number of particles provide a large surface area which can be held together by Nanokote to give stronger, light weight, brittle and thermal resistance ceramics (American Ceramic Society, 2009 p134). Mould manipulation of polymers can help in overcoming mechanical and aesthetic weaknesses that are associated with the standard injection moulding (Rudd & Long, 1997 p98). This can involve improving bulk properties like weld lines or manipulating orientation morphology enhancement. In this process, experimental outcomes of a rotating pin at the weld line of glass and talc filled polypropylene are introduced (Rudd & Long, 1997 p98). Talc filled material ensures that pin rotation speed does not exceed 100 rotation per minute, and this enhances polymer strength. Glass filled material also enhances strength significantly, but not as compare to talc filled material. Mould Manipulation technique also introduces the chances of producing other
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